March 11, 2003

devil's food

Took shortcut to work, walking across uptight Ivy League Campus, watching Ivy League Squirrels dodging Ivy League Pedestrians, faces tucked in Ivy League Scarves. Am certain that caught one such Ivy League Squirrel pausing in his Ivy League Acorn hunting to stare at yours truly to say, "You don't belong." Indeed. Do not. But am certain to outlive cruelly frigid winter, you mangy little rodent. Let's just hope you're so lucky.

Post-party fog has been lifting ever-so-slowly, and am having flashbacks of v. humorous Saturday evening. (Bathroom mirror still bears evidence of guests armed with toothpaste and messages of phallic nature – feel quite reluctant to clean it off.) As was stepping on scale this morning, had sudden memory of climbing on same scale with Cute Fireman, watching red number flicker, hoping that Fireman either did not know his own weight, or if did, was too drunk to do necessary math. God damn ten pounds. Also remember something about edible body oil, and conducting taste test of said oil in kitchen with guests. Oh dear God, am frightfully silly when drunk.

Have also been told that was cloistered in bedroom with Cute Fireman for significant amount of time. Am fairly certain nothing adventurous happened, but fact that can’t remember closing door leads self to question usually-reliable memory. Suppose could do worse than being sequestered in ultra-tipsy state with Cute Fireman. Cute is good. Think was Tom Robbins who wrote, Lucifer was the cutest angel in heaven. If Mr. Robbins is indeed correct, well, then, devil me, baby.

Posted by This Fish at March 11, 2003 09:55 AM

Sounds like you throw great parties! Not remembering is the best part, until you have to clean up after said party.

Especially if you're the one wearing the lampshade and your girlfriend's bra (ouch! painful college flashback!). Sorry.

Posted by: Texas T-bone at March 11, 2003 11:45 AM

Only my accidental parties are so successful. The ones I plan are disastrous!

Posted by: Fish at March 11, 2003 03:58 PM

Cute fireman? Meow! =)

Posted by: Bob at March 12, 2003 01:42 AM