August 06, 2002

don't let me down

Life is one of those horrid daily television shows.

Neo-Alcoholic Father is now cheating on mother. Indeed. And not simply with other woman. With anyone who will take him, the bastard. Unhinged Mother Figure does not know. No one does, in fact, excepting self and Smart Assed Sibling. Fuckwits. Mother. Father. All of them. Am done with family except for sisters. Must keep them around.

Am needing consolation of some sort. Hug would be nice. Feel completely let down by male sex. Was under the impression for last twenty something years, that father (daddy) was man by which to measure all others. The one to whom no one would be good enough for yours truly. Well, fuck that. Can find 50 who won't let me down half as badly.

Feel so lost. SO lost. Trying to absorb self in job. Shame that monkey could do job. Must find other ways to consume time.

Posted by This Fish at August 6, 2002 12:36 PM

i feel sorry for you. want to bum

Posted by: james palmer at February 25, 2004 08:48 AM