Am currently being lectured by Unhinged Mother Figure on issues of responsibility. Irony is a sweet, sweet treat. Is driving me nuts about not owning proper, adult furniture. And now wants me to go home and retrieve dog that have had since was 13 and import the poor, old thing to current city. Am not equipped to take in arthritic, ailing canine -- would break what is left of this heart as well if said elderly dog were to expire on my watch. If am going to get cat, says UMF, can certainly take dog. Hmph.
A. put up curtains last night. Took no time at all. Also took no time at all for roommate and A to become mutually, and emphatically charmed with one another. Age-difference will prevent anything more than mutual attraction, but was v. sweet. However, am a wee bit put off. Even envious. Am used to having A. follow ME with puppy-dog like adoration. Is very nice bicycle. Will have to find one like that. Only older.