September 12, 2002

what dreams may come

Hurrah! Now have wallet back in possession and am quite annoyed to note that was found ON very airplane I suggested Unhelpful Airport Employees search that night. And what's more, there was no money inside. Ok, so did not have any in there before, either. But would have been nice to find some.

Spent evening with J. Yes, yes, am quite aware that promised would not have dinner with him as he had requested. BUT did not have dinner as "dinner" turned into simply hanging out. Which then turned into yours truly falling asleep on comfy leather couches. J said was absolutely necessary to come hang out, as Fish was greatly missed by Roommate and his Thin Blonde Girlfriend.

H: Oh, THEY missed me, did they?
J: Yeah, kept asking when H was coming home because they wanted to play.
H: Hmmm.

Was one of those strange evenings where J found every small reason to touch me and kept looking at Fish v. strangely. Did not play silly J game. For once. Am v. proud of self for exercising such self-restraint. Especially with Roommate and TBG NOT excercising restraint and being quite cute. Damn them.

TTB: When you come over next, you'll have to bring pictures!
H: Will do. Good night, guys.
R: Welcome home... I'm glad you're back.
H: (with sidelong glance at J) Thanks. Good to know someone is.
J: (oblivious) ...

Sigh. Would be fine except had lovely Everything-is-Perfect dream about J afterwards and woke up v. disappointed. Must stop having dreams. Most recent one about marriage to MacDonald's Hamburglar was most distressing.

Posted by This Fish at September 12, 2002 10:28 AM