On Friday, received, "Yeah, that's true. I still want to get together and talk with you. Just to hug and make up. Want to have dinner next week? And hug?" Told J that weekend was full, but was available on a weekday, as long as did not have yoga. Funny how playing a bit hard to get drives him absolutely buggers. Finally settled on Tuesday.
Am torn between allowing J satisfaction of warm making-up, or playing cool and aloof as have been for last week. The Cool-and-Aloof game is rather fun. Even more so than Chutes and Ladders. And with more satisfying rewards for the winner. Whatever the game, however, am determined to look even more mouth-watering than v. expensive restaurant menu.
On brighter note: Happy Day! Fishblog as turned 20K this weekend. Quite a six-month marker! In celebration, as always, will make list of some sort.
1. Email from J this morning saying, "Hey, I miss you!!! It's been 13 days since I last saw you. That's too long." Uh, whose fault would that be, Don Juan?
2. Unsolicited calls received from J this weekend. (To which was able to say, "Sorry, already have plans.")
3. Hours that spent on couch napping on Sunday to recover from Saturday Night Dancing Fever.
4. Phone calls from UMF, deftly avoided.
5. New Gal Pals met and fell v. deeply (and platonically) in love with on crowded dance floor. Have made future weekend clubbing plans.
6. Alcoholic beverages consumed within too short of time, resulting in lovely pounding in cranium and greasy-food-craving.
7. Pounds left to go before am allowed to have M&Ms again. Oh, the agony.
8. Degrees below zero currently in apartment as am out of heating oil. Gauge says have 1/4 tank. Filthy liar.
9. Instances had to remove unwanted hands from ass on above mentioned dance floor. No touchy.
10. Times today have stopped self from lunging for M&Ms at convenience store counter.