December 23, 2002

'tis the season

J: I'm sorry I didn't call back yesterday. I got caught up at my aunt's, and then forgot. Sorry.
H: *gasp!* You...forgot me?
J: Ugh... Why am I so stupid? Oh wait, don't answer that!
H: Would you like that in list form, or essay? Oh...don't answer that. Gotcha. Hey, can you swing by after band practice? I have gifts for you and B and I don't think I'll see you before Wednesday.
J: WHY did you get me something!?
H: Um, the voices said to? Because it's Christmas, silly. It's not a big deal.
J: But I'm broke and my gift may be lame, if existent at all! And you do so much for me, or to me already!
H: (laughing) to me... awesome. Seriously, not a big deal. Don't make me say it again. You want me to give it to a street person instead?
J: Okay. How's this: after the holidays, I have a gift certificate to one of the finest restaurants in the city. We will go.
H: That would be lovely. But that is not how it works. You don't "owe" me anything, silly. When the Wisemen brought Jesus all that Frankincense and stuff, he didn't have to take 'em out to dinner.
J: Yeah, only He gave them everlasting life!

Indeed. Care to take bets if aforementioned dinner actually happens? 2 to 1 it doesn't.

Posted by This Fish at December 23, 2002 03:16 PM