Left work early, got a manicure and spent rest of v. frigid Monday evening doing absolutely nothing productive. Had intended to clean dismal mess of a bedroom, but ended up in hot, salty bath considering ending of one v. strange, tumultuous year. Rollercoasters have never really been a thrill for yours truly, but seems as though have spent the last 365 days riding one.
January: Meet, fall for and get dumped by J.
February: Get Pneumonia. And Strep. Vicodin, please?
March: Find the lump.
April: Thirty-seven days after initial discovery, the lump is extracted.
May: J comes back. Sits on fence. "Patience is a virtue," begins to take on new meaning.
June: UMF runs away to London to join circus.
July: Stand in rain for forty minutes, being stood up by J. Vow to cut him out completely. Yeah, right. NACF goes back to the bottle.
August: Discover NACF's cheating ways. Bring Reluctant Kitten home; discover am horrible kitten mother.
September: Spend twelve v. long days sequestered with UMF in Europe. Film remains undeveloped. J begins Whoring Coworker saga.
October: NACF hospitalized. Horrid breakdown in J lane. Am told, "I'm sorry I don't love you."
November: Robbed in New York. Parents announce separation and subsequent divorce.
December: SAS substance abuse scare.
Am actually quite glad to bring an end to the year. What drama! Must admit, though, have never felt more like living, breathing human being than in midst of all above uncharacteristic excitement. Have been through hell's fire but have realized that remain remarkably and relatively unscathed. Feel somewhat proud. Have not sought professional help (though, perhaps should), have not even adopted habits any more self destructive than obscene addiction to Ben and Jerry's. And so now, have really only one thing to say as I welcome in the New Year and all it could possibly have in store:
Bring it.
Posted by This Fish at December 31, 2002 03:29 PM