November 15, 2002

best supporting actress

Levels of aggression seem to be reaching all-time highs. Am not sure whether newly-found in-your-face attitude is result of too many hours battling with Higher Ups/Closet Sexual Predators at work or unknown environmental factors such as increasing size of hole in ozone layer or acid rain.

Was walking with roommate from late night movie when heard two v. disgusting men harassing passing girls. Within seconds, we became the lucky objects of their affection. Without thinking found self turned around, confronting v. v. dirty-mouthed men. Roommate stood by, mouth open in complete shock. V. v. dirty-mouthed men also looked v. shocked as un-lady-like words made grand exit from my mouth. Ah well. If am being honest, will admit that did not feel any better after verbal attempt at vindication. But, was amusing, nonetheless.
Had tricky conversation with UMF this morning regarding Smart Assed Sibling still living at home.

UMF: quick request...
H: yes?
UMF: I'm quite sure that SAS is smoking now. Can you help?
H: With what? Teach her how not to get caught doing it at school??
UMF: Tell her what an idiot she is...she might listen to you.
H: She might. And then again, she might not. A lot of my friends smoked at that age... it's just somethin' that they had to figure out on their own.
UMF: And a lot of them probably never were able to quit....
H: I think smoking is the least of her problems right now
UMF: Maybe. But it's one that could be dealt with...
H: Listen, I know you mean well, but it is A LOT of pressure for you to hand this over to me. I don't want to be her parent. When she calls me to talk, want to be the one NOT telling her what to do.
UMF: Ok. I understand

But does she? Am not certain UMF understands full extend of her current inability to parent. Is simply not right to have to play mother to teenage sibling. Would rather be v. cool older sister, lacking inclination to judge on such issues. Do much better in supporting actress role.

Am still waiting on my Oscar.

Posted by This Fish at November 15, 2002 04:05 PM