Am not entirely certain that company which employs yours truly intended email use to take on such important fuctions as the following e-conversation. Am also not sure that company which employs yours truly would continue to do so if was aware that the following e-conversation was ONLY thing accomplished by this employee yesterday. Ah,well.
H: Um, I ate too much. Hope you don't mind if your pal gets really, really fat. Lord, I feel disgusting. Steak, cheese and onion. Extra grease, please.
J: I wouldn't care if I had to use a fork lift to get you in the car. I'd love you anyway. But wouldn't that be funny if you really needed a fork lift?
H: Uh, yeah. HI-larious. sure you're up for learning to work a fork lift? And, um...might have to take out one of your car seats. That cool?
J: I'm up for learning! Anything for you.
H: I'm on the internet looking up forklift operating instructions.
J: HAHAHAHA! you know you drive 'em backwards!
H: Isn't that a backhoe? Besides, I don't need to know that. You're going to be driving. I'm riding. Remember?
J: Oh yeah. Well, they're kinda pricey!
H: You sayin' I'm not worth it?? Does this mean I'll have to stop binge eating?!
J: Yeah, let's just pretend it never happened. It would cost way too much to get that big.
H: So, I shouldn't have had those M&Ms?