Left the building yesterday, had just put earphones in, when passed Outspoken Street Man.
OSM: Mmm... you got a fiiiiine body.
Indeed. Was not in the mood to be side-walk harassed and did something have never done before. Actually stopped and turned around.
H: I can hear you.
OSM: Well, you got yourself a fine body, miss.
H: But why do you think I want you to tell me about it? What's wrong with you?
OSM: Mmm hmmm. Fine. You have a nice night.
H: Hmph.
Who let the bitch out? Should have thanked the man as was probably only compliment had received all day. Instead, unleashed Xena Warrior Princess-type fury on harmless yet overly-vocal stranger. Am not proud of self.
Must take anger management classes.