September 30, 2003

honey do...

    Bring soup. Don't care what kind. Can't taste anyway. But someone is supposed to bring soup when you're sick. They just are. And I am. (sick, that is)

    Absent-mindedly pat my head while you do whatever important things you have to do tonight (pay bills, read, watch Queer Eye for the Straight guy) until I fall asleep. Maybe then my eyes won't feel like they are on fire.

    Promise to take me apple-picking. You don't really have to mean it. It's not likely that I'll live until morning anyway. Don't look at me like that. I am NOT being dramatic! I AM SICK! Now promise, please?

    Turn the heat up and up and up and never complain that it's too hot. You know it beats me complaining about the cold chills and trying to put my frozen fingers in your armpits.

    Marry me so if I do survive this, I'll always have someone to make the other half of the bed.

Funny how a fever, teary burning eyes and a sniffly nose can turn a gal into a whiny mess. But when sick, and feeling quite miserable, is only natural to want nothing more than to have someone warm your feet, make you soup and promise to take you apple-picking. Right?

Posted by This Fish at September 30, 2003 03:30 PM

Travelling to California always made me deathly ill.

I blame the smog.

Posted by: TheYeti at September 30, 2003 05:00 PM

Yeah, nothing makes my indepedent spirit go down the tubes like being sick.

Posted by: deb at October 1, 2003 12:16 PM

speaking as a sickie myself - i couldn't agree more...I want my mom, I want a love, hell...I just want any random person to take care of me..wahhhh!

Posted by: sf at October 1, 2003 02:16 PM

It's a pity that men are even more pitiful whiny messes when they get ill...because it usually cuts absolutely no ice with the women in their lives!

I hope you get better soon, but look on the bright side - at least you don't have someone to get resentful about because they don't give you the level of care you deserve.

Posted by: Larry Lurex at October 2, 2003 10:01 AM

My wife has been reading this!

Posted by: kluts at October 10, 2003 02:47 PM