October 11, 2003

piano man

Last night, fought ridiculously strong desire to go home and crash, and ended up at scream-you-lungs-out piano bar sing along with handful of good friends.

Am still hoarse.

Must be noted about piano bars: audience is mostly female. If one is male and present, is either A) there as significant other, and drinking just enough beer to enjoy self B) one of societies outcasts (the real bars don't want you). That's just the way it is. So, while was standing in line for the ladies room, spotted what had to be the most gorgeous man ever to grace the premises and thought, "Which are you? Hmmm? Boyfriend or weirdo?" And then, when was actually approached by Mr. Gorgeous and fed, "Hey. blah blah. I love this place" had my answer. HAD to be weirdo.

Sorry, fella. I don't flirt with boys who like piano bars.

Am supposed to be out with friends enoying fall time fun, but had to opt out due to overwhelming desire to sleep in and neurotically clean my house. Also, caught end of makeover show and have decided... to cut my hair. Off. Buh-bye. When payday comes, we shall see just how committed I am to that notion.

Posted by This Fish at October 11, 2003 01:31 PM

If you cut yours off maybe I'll cut mine off too. But probably not.

Posted by: Gae at October 11, 2003 08:06 PM

I'm cutting mine as well.. as soon as I know what my theater director plans to do coiffure-wise for the play I'm currently in. If I'm not being wigged, then it gets chopped off as soon as the show closes.

I don't know how long your hair is, but if you're into giving to charity, you might consider donating you tresses to Locks of Love. That's what I plan to do whenever the hair goes. :)

Posted by: tab at October 12, 2003 01:03 AM

I'm assuming you're discussing Jake's, and does it bother you as much as me that they raised their cover? And oddly enough, the only time I go there is when I'm dragged by one of my (straight)guy friends.

Posted by: dahl at October 13, 2003 09:37 AM