A couple hours ago, I will chilling with two-year-old Maya on the floor of my office, blowing bubbles. You know you've made kids happy when they squeal like piglets. And we were squealing. Two piglets in the middle of all this brushed steel and stuffy black leather. Bubbles can be fun like that.
But then Maya had to go home for nap time.
So, I was sitting in my office feeling... resentful -- about being some place I just didn't want to be -- when the phone rang.
"This is H.."
"I'm across the street with a bottle of red wine."
So, I disappeared to the Monkey Firm's annex across the street and sat in the sawdust, having a drink (or two) with my old boss.
Drinking with Joan is like getting a fabulous new haircut. You come out of the experience feeling great, even though nothing substantial has really changed. You're still you, and you still have to go back to your stinky job, but you've had an attitude make-over.
And it was just what I needed.