March 08, 2004

in stages

My mother says I wake up like a cat.

I yawn, stretch in the sort of exaggerated fashion belonging mostly to felines (and early film starlets), make a weak attempt at getting out of bed and then curl right back up before the sheets have lost their warmth. Snooze and repeat. I wake up in stages. Sometimes it takes me a good 40 minutes to actually climb out of bed once I'm awake. Seems a waste of time, to my mother (Why not just get up?).

Because not getting up is one of my favorite parts of the day.

In fact, I've been not getting up for the past hour -- bad form considering I should be leaving my apartment for a meeting at 7:30. Perhaps I'm not altogether too inclined to head off to the Monkey Firm to face the anti-climax that will be my last two weeks there. I know how it's going to be. Not so gradually at all, they will begin (or have already, I think) to phase me out of projects and responsibilities. I have already been not required to attend a handful of meetings and caught only tail ends of conversations that I most certainly should have been privy to. And while I'm perfectly willing to buckle down and work just as hard as ever, it appears that I'll be leaving in stages.

Seems sort of a waste of time to me. Time that could be much better spent not getting up.


Posted by This Fish at March 8, 2004 07:02 AM

I left a department head job with a three week notice, and it ended up being 1 week to long. I ended up spending the last week helping the PC techs install network cards and make cables, while my staff took over the big budget and project decisions.

It was a LONG week.

Posted by: Another Dan at March 8, 2004 01:22 PM

i have to give a month's notice for my employer. i am sure i will be praying for death at the end of it.

Posted by: mingaling at March 8, 2004 05:57 PM

i love snoozing. i even schedule snooze time. i know, i know - that's so unromantic.

Posted by: julia at March 8, 2004 07:50 PM