October 13th, 2010
We’re celebrating the Boy’s birthday tonight with pizza and beer and by not watching a sporting event. I know. That last part almost makes it seem like it’s MY birthday.
He’s been home since Saturday night and after we picked my friend Laura up from the airport and dropped her at the Ballpark on Sunday afternoon, the rest of the weekend was one sportastic letdown after another. Well, a letdown for him. I was curled up under a down comforter, snoozing. When the Cowboys broke his heart (again), the Dork Lord suggested we order out for a pizza and hang out on the couch for the evening. Oh, you mean like I’ve been doing for the LAST TEN DAYS? I gave him the People’s Eyebrow and suggested that maybe instead, we could go out for a grown up dinner that we ate off real plates while in the seated position on real dining chairs.
I had a martini and the filet and it was heaven.
We even saw a really for real movie at really for real theater this week! It’s almost as though that whole rancid turkey bacon vomit incident never even happened. Okay, no. That’s not true at all. I’m gonna carry that with me until I die.
Since he’s not a blog reader, I can tell you that I’m headed home via Creme de la Cookie for the most buttery, most amazing chocolate chip cookies ever to give a grown man a sugar headache. I mean, next to his mom’s recipe. I got him a baker’s dozen last year and from the second they were gone, he’s been talking about them with a faraway look in his eye, like they’re the confectionery version of the one who got away. Time to put 364 days of longing to rest. And, sports event or no, when he gets home tonight and sees that telltale striped box, he’ll know whose birthday it is.
October 11th, 2010
The furry one is fine, thank you all for so kindly asking. In fact, I think he is totally maxing out on his week of disability. He sleeps all day anyway, so if you throw in the extra TLC and the expensive canned food that I’ve been using to camouflage his twice-daily antibiotic, he’s really on some sort of all inclusive dog spa vacation. Oh, and today, he gets a new pair of hiking boots from REI. I know. I do not own something so luxe as hiking boots from REI, but that was the Rx from the vet and by golly, we’re filling it.
After months – or are we into years now? – of walking funny because of neurological impairments (he rolls over his paws and has absolutely no idea he’s doing it), the sweet gimpy thing has worn down his middle toenails to the point of hemorrhaging, a la Monday night’s trauma fest. The vet warned us that this would become chronic if we didn’t get him some new shoes. Dudes. If I’d have known how that worked, I’d have developed a limp much sooner. SEE HOW I WALK FUNNY? TAKE ME TO DSW.
I do have to give him credit, though, that clumsy dog. On Thursday, after my second trip to the doc ( where I learned I had strep. In my nose. Because of course I did), I woke up from a nap and started gearing myself up for a trip back to the vet to have his bandage removed. I’d tried myself earlier that morning and my efforts were met with a yelp and a headbutt. Knocked me right on my ass. I think any other dog would have nipped at me, but this dog is not like real dogs. He’s sort of mushy on the inside. Anyway, as I prepped his dinner, I noticed that wonder of wonders, his bandage was conspicuously absent. I found it later caught on the edge of his dog bed and thought, “That had to hurt” and though I can’t really speak for him, I’m guessing that being spared the trauma of the vet trip was worth the sting.
Did I mention I slept IN the dog bed after the last vet visit? Oh, yeah. He was sufficiently freaked out (see also: mushy) and kept crying and crying, and pacing and so I got a pillow, a comforter and crawled onto his bed and held onto him until he fell asleep. I’m thinking if ANYONE in this scenario deserves some new shoes it’s the HUMAN. Who can write me an Rx for that? Anyone?
October 11th, 2010
Last week we received an invitation to a one-year-old child’s birthday party, complete with… registry information.
October 6th, 2010
I was supposed to be joining the Dork Lord and his family at the beach house for vacation but… I’m not. First I got sick with a nasty chest cold and then the dog, who was staying with my mom, got a very bleedy toenail injury and had to go to the emergency vet clinic and so now I’m home, alone, cleaning up dog vomit because while I was out running around town looking for nail caps for dogs which NO ONE carries, he was home, tearing apart the garbage, eating rancid turkey bacon which, oh, big surprise, didn’t really agree with him.
I wanted to scream but I was just too tired.
I thought the highlight came Monday night when I had to drive to my mom’s house, and after taking one look at the dog and just how much blood there was, rush him right off to the vet, knowing full well he’d be coming home with ME and I would not be getting on my flight the next evening. Three hours later, we – the dog and I – are sitting in the back seat of my blood stained Jetta and one of us is cracked out on morphine, tongue hanging out of his mouth, drooling and the other is a snotty, sobbing mess because she’s just realized she can’t get a semi-conscious, sixty pound dog up three flights of stairs by herself. So I sat there and stared at the dried blood on my feet and cried until the Boy’s friend Ryan showed up to help me lug that furry dead weight upstairs.
I don’t think I want kids anymore. Isn’t that terrible? It’s true, though. I don’t want to be in charge of anybody or anything anymore and I don’t want to be the one stuck at home cleaning up vomit because that’s just how things worked out.
Update/Clarification: Okay, friends, the Boy was ALREADY ON VACATION when this all went down. I had to stay behind for a couple days to work Monday (see the bit about joining the family, etc). He didn’t leave me behind to take care of his dog, for heaven’s sake. And naturally, he offered to come home, but what sense did that make? Like I said, it’s just how things worked out. As you were. Only… maybe a leeetle less harsh, mmmkay?
September 30th, 2010
If you’ve been reading this here blog for a while now, you’re probably aware the Jillian Michaels hero worship thing I’ve had going on. Yeah, Losing it with Jillian unsettled me, but I only saw one episode so I got over it pretty quickly. But the other night, when I hopped over to godaddy.com to upload my almost sister-in-law’s website, there was Jillian, front and center as the new Go Daddy Girl.
Wha? I thought someone had made a mistake.
See, on the one hand, you’ve got Jillian Have-Some-Respect-for-Yourself Michaels, who makes a career out of convincing people they deserve better than the life they’re leading. More power, more respect, more love for themselves. Then you have Go Daddy, a company which has an entire advertising history based on objectifying women. Actually, it goes beyond objectification. I’m not sure I have a word for it. For instance, taking someone like Danica Patrick (lovely and accomplished) and creating a commercial in which some douchebag at a keyboard is able to get her to repeatedly strip down and shower just by logging in to the site. Magical webcam, mystery internet powers! The ability to spy on and manipulate unaware, naked ladies is just what I’m looking for in a web hosting company.
I thought, gross. Just gross.
Then this morning, I see in my Twitter feed that Jillian has been asked to appear on the cover of Playboy.
“Obviously I decided to respectfully pass on the offer, ” she wrote. “What is the world coming to?”
Indeed, Jillian. What is it coming to when a Playboy cover pays less than an internet company spot? Or are we pretending this is about morals and standards instead of cash? I dunno, but I think I’d feel a whole, whole lot less grossed out, disappointed, etc. by a suggestive Playboy cover on which TVs Toughest Trainer exposes some hard-earned, rockin’ abs than another Superbowl ad in which a hard working woman plays the patsy to a pasty-faced dude with an off-camera tube sock. To me, there’s a stark difference between the two and it’s got nothing to do with nudity. It’s about the attitude and the message behind it. A Playboy cover, depending on the shot, can say a hundred different things. But the Go Daddy message is the same over and over – they take sexy, powerful women, strip them of their power and promote them as hapless flesh toys – a pair of boobs just waiting to be exploited and used. And those sexy, powerful women who go along with it for a check? Should be embarrassed. I’d rather see Jillian naked than see her exposed as a Go Daddy Girl.
Question from a reader: Not to be argumentative and I agree with you about the ugh factor in the go-daddy ads; but do you have any qualms about using their service? – Kimmer
Answer from a Fish: Dude, no that’s an awesome question. I wasn’t clear about it, so here it goes. Yes, I absolutely do have qualms about using Go Daddy’s service. But I also don’t use their service. From time to time, I will design a website for a friend or family member and if they’ve paid to register and host their site with godaddy, that’s where I have to go to upload any files I’ve created for them or address any technical issues. However, my site is registered and hosted with Hosting Matters and our wedding website is hosted through ASP.net. I never have paid and never will pay for anything from them. You make anti-woman ads, you don’t get this woman’s dollars.
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