February 10th, 2010
The walls of my cubicle kinda depress me. So does this fragile industry – doing my job well does not necessarily mean success in times like these. In fact, it almost never does. But that’s okay. Because I have a plan.
The most freeing thing ever is realizing you have choices. I can choose to stay in a gray-walled cube for the rest of my life, because the job is predictable and the pay, somewhat reliable. Because I’m scared to act. OR! Or I can figure out what makes me happy and then do that, working out the money bit when I get there. Which is what I’ve decided to do. Not right away, but eventually.
I didn’t even have to finish the question, “What makes me happy?” before I knew the answer. Yoga makes me happy. I feel my strongest, most beautiful and most capable when I’m pushing past the imaginary boundaries I’d set for my mind and my body, discovering new abilities and most of all, peace. A few weeks ago, I read on Facebook that my old boss (from way back Boston days),had been accepted to a yoga teaching program and I was thrilled forher. After discovering hot yoga back in 2002, I went on and on to herabout it and looky, here she is several years later, becoming ateacher. Serious warm fuzzies. After e-high-fiving her, I realized – that’s what I want. So, I’m going to teach. Not right away, like I said, but eventually. I have some goals I’d like to reach, pre-requisites to achieve, some money to save, yadda, yadda and then, it’s game on.
Sometimes I lie awake in bed at night with little anticipation butterflies in my stomach – the way I used to feel at the start of a new semester. So much possibility! The Dork Lord is sided firmly on Team Yoga Teacher, which couldn’t make me happier. It’s nice to have someone in your camp, who wants your ultimate happiness more than anything – especially when that person shares your concerns about finances and you know, having a roof overhead.
I’ve always known people who love what they do. Or rather, made the choices and sacrifices to do what they love. My sister quit the rat race, went back to school and became an elephant trainer. She now works at the San Diego Zoo saving elephants. My brother ditched a job in software to go to school nights and weekends so he could be a cop. He loves to tase, what can I say? I’m a little disappointed with myself that it took a big forehead slap to realize I found my passion a long time ago and didn’t make a go of it, but mostly, I’m just pleased that I found it at all.
February 6th, 2010
Sometimes I miss waking up in New York. Especially on the weekends when I want to do something and nothing all at the same time. The City is good for sublime adventures in nothingness. An iced coffee and a meander in Central Park. The man behind the bodega counter always seemed a bit relieved to see me, maybe because my presence meant that the pot of room-temperature joe wouldn’t go to waste on winter days when the sky was sulking. A dollar twenty-five beginning to an afternoon of bliss. And when you’ve got $4.28 in your checking account, even that feels a little like decadence.
I miss New York today. Broke and bored in Dallas, Texas is a terrible cocktail.
February 1st, 2010
I had a fitful night’s sleep, finally waking five minutes after my alarm should have gone off (helps if you set it, I guess). Deliriously tired, I headed downstairs to let Jillian Michaels give me a good ass-kicking before work and when we got to the punching part I felt this funny little jolt of optimism. Like, “Oh, yeah, this is going to feel good.” I’m never just punching air — it’s usually some imaginary offender. Like, that lady who has absolutely no idea what a yield sign means. Or that ex-coworker of mine. The one who could not shut up. Ever. This morning, though, I wasn’t in need of vindication so much as eleveteen more hours of sleep so I punched with little enthusiasm. And then I remembered.
Today is Sarah Brown day! If there was any perking up to be had, it was from knowing that this afternoon, I get to road-trip it up to Tulsa, Oklahoma and deliver a hug that’s two-and-a-half years in the making. We’re probably going to paint each other’s nails and watch Meet Me in St. Louis and eat things which are bad for us. And talk about boys.
Sarah and I went through some relationship doozies in New York. In fact, I met Sarah the same night I met one of the biggest relationship mistakes of my life. We were bonded from that very moment. But the same week that I met the Dork Lord, Sarah met her own love, moved to far, far away London to be with him and await a fiance visa (me, I’m just awaiting the fiance (ba-dump-bum!)) so there is much catching up to do.
So blah, blah, I’m excited about seeing Sarah but can we for one second talk about how BAD Taylor Swift’s performance was last night? Is that, you know, like a regular thing for her – the whole, not being able to sing thing? It was terrible. And up until that point, I have to admit I was pretty enamored of her. Gosh, she’s so cute. And nice. And ohmygod, totally tone deaf. I felt like I was watching a talent show at church and it felt really, really awkward.
January 28th, 2010
Yesterday I purchased plane tickets for my sister’s wedding. I did not get a sweet deal. And if prices come down before our travel date, I hope to be blissfully unaware of it. Buyer’s remorse is the worst. Wait, I take it back. Buyer’s remorse runs a tight second to One Night Stand remorse, followed closely by I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing remorse – a trilogy which beautifully sums up a weekend I once spent in Florence, Italy. But you know, that’s kind of a long story.
The wedding is going to be one of those awesomely warm fuzzy events, not just because it’s full of mushy I Do love stuff, but because I don’t get to see my siblings very often – I’ve never even met my niece, Penny – so this will be our chance to get in some good bonding time. While wearing pinned-on flowers and acting on our best behavior. I snorted while typing that. You just couldn’t hear.
Well, mostly the wedding will be a warm fuzzy. My mother and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, which should make the whole wedding weekend one big Lifetime Original Movie Starring That Woman From China Beach. Sometime shortly after Christmas, I (totally against my better judgment) let my mom know that I didn’t appreciate her advice. I said I thought her assessment of the situation was incorrect and that she was wrong to butt in. She said F–k you – just like that. Only spelled out in full, with exclamation points and maybe the @ symbol for good measure. I’ve come to expect a certain degree of fall out from disagreeing with the one who birthed me (the last time we dared question motherly love, she took our photos off the mantle put them away in a cardboard box) but this – this is new territory. I won’t lie. I think it’s unhinged. I have never had an argument with anyone that deteriorated into “Screw you!” Ever. A first for everything, I suppose.
If you’ve been reading for any length of time, you’ll know that things with my mother have always been difficult – in cycles. One, we’re both strong willed. Two, like with my father, there are greater factors at work. My sister, brother and I spent our childhood being parented by two people who were terribly stressed out and suffering from, at times, severe depression. And now that I’m an adult (and I’ll be the first to admit that yes, the following statement makes me feel bad about myself), I’m running out of patience for it. Enough, already. Suicide talk from a parent is truly horrific. And it’s unbelievably disappointing that with all of the available help out there, all the hours of therapy and medication have changed nothing. NOTHING. And I want to know who’s to blame for that.
I’m angry about it. I’m angry that my parents are unstable. That their instability is going to affect their relationships with my future children. That they may not HAVE relationships with my future children. That I find much more comfort in other people’s parents because they behave normally.
My siblings and I spend hours sighing over phone lines, wondering what to do. Yes, accept the people you love for who they are. And then… what? Then don’t have weddings, because you’re tired waging wars on guilt and self pity? Don’t share information or say how you really feel? Oh my god, the amount of truth-avoiding we do! I even do it here – the one place I created to be a more thinking, feeling, expressive person – because I fear the reaction. But not today. I’m done with that crap. This is mine, and I’m taking it back.
My brother was right when he said, “This is the information age, not the feelings-suppression age.”
And today I’m feeling angry.
January 25th, 2010
“You’re breaking the house rules!”
“House rules?” I raised my eyebrows at him and propped myself up on the couch with my sore elbow, adding a wince to the eyebrow raise. “What house rules would those be?”
“I’m the man of the house and I determine who we root for in the football!”
“The football?”
“You know what I mean.”
What did I care, Saints from Vikings? Absolutely not a bit. But when the latter scored a touchdown to tie up the game yet again, I made the mistake of letting out a, “There ya go!” with just a little too much enthusiasm. Look, I just like a close game. In playoff football – where your (fella’s) team is no longer playing off – it adds the only bit of excitement there is. And excitement I need. See also: tired of football.
“I can’t cheer for Minnesota because they beat Dallas last week?”
“But, doesn’t it sound better to say you lost to the dudes going to the Superbowl, rather than just another buncha losers who also lost to the dudes going to the Superbowl?”
“No. We hate the Vikings.”
I shook my head. But I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. If there’s no crying in baseball, there is no reason in football. I mean, after all, this is a sport where we call a 400lb Baby Huey in a jersey an athlete just because he’s too big to be pushed around by actual athletes. Which, really should be the jumping off point for all of my expectations about the game. It’d save a lot of head shaking.
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