Damn it all. Got on scale again. Hope does not become addiction. Have plenty of vices as it is without strange compulsion for weighing self.
Was up long before dawn...not by choice (although am becoming more of a morning person). Reluctant Kitten seems to be finding no use for litter box and instead has claimed white shag rug at bedside for toilet purposes. Woke up to not-so-nice smell and flash of fluff darting under bed. Gross. Am finding many new, inappropriate nicknames for Reluctant Kitten. Perhaps should not share so many of them with her as am shocking her delicate sensibilities. Should have thought of that, though, before soiling $300 area-rug, hmmm?
Walked home from work last night with eyes half shut -- blinding headache, setting sun, foul mood residue from day's work. Didn't see J until he'd called out several times. Was surpised to see him as am not usually crossing paths with work-day-J (must have been on his way home from haircut, as looked all neat and trimmed). Stood on sidewalk for several seconds before recognizing him. J waved me over and offered a lift. Didn't want to say yes... looking as bad as I did. Do not wear foul mood residue well. Bad color on me. Like mint green. But headache (and dizzying J smell) won over and let him drive me home. Went in after short dialogue, prepared meal of salad, multi-vitamin and two sleep aids and brought day to official close long before 8 pm. Was lovely sleep until kitten shit incident.
Am horrible kitten mother.
i am getting a new kitten on the weekend but i have another cat and she dosent really like other cats..and she is such an attention seeker.
please help...thanks