August 23, 2002

clothes lines

Has become clear that choice of clothing is, indeed, most important factor in one's career.

Or would certainly seem so. Firm made up of (for most part) Pedantic Aging, Over-fed, White Male Egos pays absolutely no attention to words spoken, or work produced by yours truly. BUT each and every article of clothing requisites examination and demands to be commented upon. On regular basis. Last week was, "You look like Pocahontas today." "Poca-who?" Said this not out of ingorance, as am familiar with legendary Native American Herione turned British Court Buffoon (poor gal), but out of feeling that, PAOWM's should not be making such comments as, well, has nothing to do with job description or performance. Bugger off, old fellers. Worst was, being asked by Very High Up Authority, mid-way through marketing meeting, "H, how are you?" "I'm well." "Well, you look well." Dirty old man.

Suffered through lecture by Unhinged Mother Figure yesterday on reasons am failing at kitten-mothering. Am happy to have ignored UMFs advice and found that own kitten-mothering tactics have paid off and Reluctant Kitten now finds litterbox to be suitable substitute for v. expensive, destroyed wool shag rug. Finally. Expensive Kitty Doctor cashed check yesterday. Am poor. V. poor.

As for J...well, have been in constant contact again for last few days. J is flirting shamelessly like he used to. Am trying not to think about it. Will see him at party that am hosting on Saturday night. Hope stress-induced complexion issue clears by then, though not likely to. Bother. Am too old for these ridiculous insecurities.

Posted by This Fish at August 23, 2002 09:12 AM