August 30, 2002

always room for jell-o

Have received "please forgive me" email from J in response to "you've hurt me just one too many times" message sent to him this morning. Don't quite know how to respond. Inclination is to leave on holiday and let J stew in self-made sorry sauce.

Have received second "do you hate me" email from J. Am certain will break down and respond by end of day, at which point J may have had enough stewing. Who knows. At any rate, have had strange heart palpitations all day, clearly result of current mini-trauma. Miss v. much being mutually in crazy state of adoration with J and having hard time adjusting to newest phase of being.

Feeling like jello left out in warm room. Can't quite hold the shape was molded beginning to wobble. Oozing stage is next.

Posted by This Fish at August 30, 2002 01:32 PM