Spent most of evening unpacking, drinking hot tea and talking to Reluctant Kitten. Something quite wrong with that, must say. Was v. glad when roommate and funny gal pal came home with sweets and movies. Frozen yogurt was chocolate-laden and the movie, v. v. sad.
Quite nearly perfect evening, minus discovering self talking to kitten as though were able to respond. Have found is huge a waste of time asking Reluctant Kitten questions. Either RK assumes questions are rhetorical and thus does not answer, is ignoring yours truly, or has not reached necessary stage of development for language skills. Am guessing is last option, as RK is still quite young. Will consult newest kitten-mothering books available on said topic.
Second problem with new living situation is v. lovely roommate will be taking multi-week cross-country trip and will be sorely missed. Who will tell me not to call J, pour me far too much wine and get v. silly with me in gal pal's absence? Have already established that RK is not up to task. Must post ad for Un-Roommate. Is the only solution.