While making bed last night with brand new, v. soft sheets, was reminded of Sex and the City episode in which highly neurotic red headed character buys v. expensive sheets to improve her bed karma. Idea was, if bed is a place you like to be, others will want to be there as well. Finished making the bed and hoped that had not gone too far, as don't want to improve bed karma too much. Isn't a neighborhood event after all. Is it possible to ask karma to specifically only include attractive, single, non-emotional fuckwits in late twenties to early thirties? Perhaps is asking too much of karma.
Perhaps is not even something that this fish needs to be worrying about as even Reluctant Kitten will only get into v. comfy bed when I am not present.
Must not rely too much on bed karma and must stop treating Sex and the City as if is self-help program.