Seems as though J has managed to polish up magic technique and weekend disappearing act has ended in graceful, "Sorry I didn't call" emails. Have taken his explanation as one part bullshit, one part cowardice and two parts inability to grasp magnitude of situation. Mix well. Bake at 350 until golden brown. Serve warm, over french-vanilla icecream.
Am amazed at own ability to function relatively free of "what does this all mean" hang-ups regarding Thanksgiving extravaganza. While dating J, made v. stern rule that would not sleep with him, as result of ridiculous commitment fence-sitting regarding yours truly. Was v. well aware that could not handle emotional repercussions. Is horribly impossible to walk away from such an event without taking at least a bit of emotional baggage. But, either am in complete denial or have become much more dent resistant (not unlike a Saturn sidepanel) because have so far managed to come out of situation without acquiring so much as an unattractive pocket book or oddly shaped carry-on.
Is Monday morning, and am baggage free. Can't last. Must have some sort of breakdown. Right?