November 04, 2002

check me out

Is clear that have had successful results from morning Getting-Ready Ritual when find self being check out, head-to-toe, elevator-eye style... by other women. One even grinned in the, "I'd totally take you home with me, but you probably like boys" way that makes me chuckle into current reading selection and sing silent praises to new Lexington Ave Hair-Dressing Genius.

Realized at 19 that is not necessary to be beautiful if can be well put-together. Thus, the Getting Ready Ritual.
Eyebrows? Plucked.
Blemishes? Concealed.
Clothing? Carefully chosen and strategically placed.

Objective being to appear like ultimate outcome, though planned down to last detail (where, near tragically-absent cleavage, shiny silver and turquoise necklace will fall, and just so tossled hair), are instead happy accidents of frantically rushing off to place of employment.

Call yours truly detail-oriented. Say that am well-groomed or dressed to kill. But do not say am beautiful. Will only tell you to look closer.

If God is in the details, as they say, am going to die one v. holy individual.

Posted by This Fish at November 4, 2002 10:36 AM