November 05, 2002

brush with the law

Feel like have driven through four states and back in under 12 hours. Oh, wait. Have indeed driven through four states and back in under 12 hours.

J got oil change and picked up yours truly and headed down to meet the Big City Galpal for meeting with New York's finest. If am being honest, will admit that was v. apprehensive about impending collision between safely separated worlds of J and understandably anti-J Galpal. But all went v. smoothly.

Even Police Officer of Ambiguous Gender was v. helpful after realizing that was not silly ditz who had misplaced small plastic lifelines in whirlwind-shopping-spree-turned-tragedy.

POAG: They were used?
H: Yeah. Something like five grand so far.
P: (mouth open) That's grand larceny.
H: Yes ma'am.
Ma'am? Oh, god, please tell me you're a woman. I mean, you kinda have boobs right? Oh shit, don't look at me funny please, sir/ma'am.
P: Well, you are at the wrong precinct (seeing fish send helpless glances to J and GalPal and sensing was about to cry hiccupy tears onto non-descript police station counter) but I'll fill out the report and fax it over to the right one.
H: Thank you.

Passed remainder of chilly day eating at favorite Indian Food restaurant and laughing with two companions. Even saw much-adored pop star in Times Square. Two pop stars, if am keeping correct tally. Wooop-deee-doo. Dropped off GalPal and were ready to hit the proverbial road when:

J: Bye. It was nice seeing you again.
(hug exchanged)
GalPal: Bye. I promise I don't hate you.
H: Oh my god. Did she really just say that? Where did I pick up the sassiest GalPal in the universe? Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
J: (as soon as rounded corner from GalPal apartment) She hates me.
H: She does not! She doesn't say things she doesn't mean.
J: Yeah, but she hates me.
H: No, I think today was good. For both of you.

So, now am back at home with $32 in the bank and full inbox thinking to self that MUST not give in to urge to run to corner store for M&Ms. Sleek, black work pants feeling slightly less sleek on generously-sized fishy ass.

Posted by This Fish at November 5, 2002 11:41 PM