November 30, 2002

mourning after

Have been sitting on floor with pint of Ben & Jerry's and Concerned Roommate going over events of Thanksgiving holiday. Have spent good several hours periodically shutting off cell phone in indignant rage and turning it back on in pathetic hope that J will indeed call, when deep down know quite well, he will not. Phone off. But, perhaps was just not near phone when yours truly called earlier and will call back! Phone on. Horrid game.

You said you wouldn't freak out about this.
I know. And I'm not. Not really.
Yes, you are.
I shouldn't have stayed in all night waiting for his call.
As for staying in, you have a cell phone, but that's beside the point. You shouldn't have slept with him.
I know. It was just all the family togetherness... and it's not like we were drunk. It's not like it was some mistake. Which is why...
Why what?
Why he should have called like he said he would. Listen, you're not being all that helpful. I didn't hear any opposition when he was well, never mind. Where were you when this all went down?
Probably still digesting that pie, piggy. Three kinds? What were you thinking?
He wanted it. I was thinking, I, or we, rather couldn't be any more emotionally invested so, why not? Besides, it was good.
The pie? Better have been, fatty.
Pie? No...the sex. Jesus. Listen, Inner Goddess, you're really falling behind.
I am falling behind? How many valium you on?
Shut up. I'm going to bed.
He'll call tomorrow. Don't worry.
That's unusually peppy of you.
Sounds like you need a bit of pep. This Sarah McLachlan binge you're on isn't helping.
Beats Ben and Jerry's

Posted by This Fish at November 30, 2002 11:42 PM