October 15, 2002

fortune has it

will you take me as i am,
strung out on another man?

Changed sleeping situation again, in hopes of appealing to better bed karma. Perhaps should buy book on feng shui.

Ok, really moved bed in attempt to distance sleeping space from drafty window. Landlord has yet to turn heat on and am finding that small heat produced by RK not enough to keep out chill. Must find bicycle to install plastic sheeting on windows. Would do it by self, but well, am going for Damsel in Distress look these days. Found it goes better with fair complexion.

Had v. strange e-conversation with ex-romantic interest last night. Had brief (V. brief) dating relationship with L over year and a half ago. L was disaster in dating sense, and ended up tossing whole thing curbside as behavior was juvenile, but have remained casual acquaintances. As such, he came seeking unbiased opinion, which was happy to give.

L: This just reminds me what a decent person you really are.
H: Aw, thanks.
L: It makes me regret our past.
H: It's ok..
L: No, it's not. I am not proud of a lot of things I've done socially over the last couple years.
H: Don't worry about it.
L: I really fucked up.
H: Some fuck-ups are for the best.

Indeed. Without said fuck up, would never have ended up with J, gone stark raving mad, and one hundred and fifty people would have to find something else to read about everyday. Really was fortunate that L was terrible with women (and terrible kisser). Fortunate, indeed.

Posted by This Fish at October 15, 2002 09:23 AM