July 22, 2003

out to sea

Am finding it v. difficult to get anything accomplished. Instead of working, am obsessively checking over and over for the one thing that am needing to make the day complete. And it's nowhere to be found.

What has happened to Shevaun Pennington and the Marine?!

Simply can NOT continue on with the work week until am rightly informed as to the outcome of this scandal. CNN has been something of a let down in this regard. Five days, CNN. It's been FIVE days since that unfortunate-looking child has returned home and spilled the beans. Am waiting for the beans!

Heard from J yesterday. Is funny how abstract he seems now. Like getting an email from a phantom or annoying spammer.

J: I have wanted to chat with you, but I wasn't sure how to. You seemed happy to see me that night at {insert name of bar here} but I could sense something was, off. Also when I mentioned that I was moving on to your street, your email response was less than welcoming. I understand why, but it makes me feel like a real piece of crap. I know what happened between us and I know that it wasn't how either of us wanted us to end up. I also know things can never be the same between us, but I feel like I have hurt, or even wronged you.

H: Honestly, I don't know how else you expected me to react to the news that you were moving to my street! I mean, of all the places in this city to live, and you pick the one place I'd most certainly have to run into you and New Girlfriend on a regular basis?! You didn't think that would be at all strange or difficult for me? If I seemed unwelcoming it's because it was rather selfish of you to do that on purpose.

Captain of the USS Clueless, that one. Even with all hands on deck, is interminably out to sea.


Posted by This Fish at July 22, 2003 10:38 AM

In my experience, Captain Clueless there has a rather large crew of equally mystified sailors. And then they always act so hurt when one points out the blatantly obvious. I'll just never understand.

Posted by: katie at July 22, 2003 01:17 PM

Congratualtions on your new apartment and on escaping the tentacles of J!

Also, after being inspired by your writing for so long, I started a blog of my own. Please come by and give it a try.

Posted by: Sara at July 22, 2003 01:30 PM

To reach blog mentioned above: Corn Smut

Posted by: Sara at July 22, 2003 01:32 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks she looks weird. Not twelve-looking at all. Unless it's a 12-year-old horse.

I can be meaner. I thought Elizabeth Smart had gained a bit of weight, for someone that had been in captivity for nine months.

There's a reason nobody likes me.

Posted by: Gopi at July 23, 2003 12:05 AM

Re: Marine and young horse. He's under arrest. She's back in the bosom of the herd. The Brit media are no longer interested, because she's a horse, not a beautiful, pouty kiddie-porn candidate. Sick. She still needs help (duh!)

He, on the other hand, needs an operation more commonly administered to horses.

Posted by: Erin at July 23, 2003 03:16 AM

J is Steven Den Beste?

Posted by: Steve at July 23, 2003 04:55 AM

It's hard to believe J didn't have a motive for moving on to your street. 9 out of 10 gbook signers agreed he was an asshole for doing it. J is frighteningly out of touch with realities. I pity his new girlfriend who is certain to find out everything you did about him. Hopefully she's as shallow and self-absorbed as he is and will dump him unceremoniously. He deserves a few good dumpings.

Posted by: Katherine at July 24, 2003 02:51 AM

yeah - I agree. How dare they not tell the end of the story. It's really quite cruel. To be fair, as a former 12 year old myself, it's not really the most attractive age and the poor girl does take a rather hideous photo. Mr. Marine is no oil painting either.

Posted by: Lisa at July 24, 2003 01:34 PM