July 28, 2003

row, row, row your boat

Spent weekend with pals in pursuit of death in the form of extreme sporting.

Yours truly didn't make it past the white water portion of the event though. And after a short stint in a backwoods hospital, am sporting stylish, blue post-op walking cast (affectionately known by camping pals as The Gimpy Shoe).

Have spent entire weekend joking with friends about the whole near-death experience, but if am being honest, will admit that the relatively short time that this gal was pinned between the rocks and raft, taking rapids on bare skin, was more terrified than have ever been.

Was tossed from fully-loaded raft at the top of the Class Five (that's a big ass rapid, kiddies) called the Crib, and then trapped beneath same raft and sucked down a waterfall. No light. No air. Just darkness and rocks pounding and scraping the right side of my body. When emerged from under the raft, took in a breath before being shot through second portion of the rapid. Had the presence of mind to get feet-first for second bit, but felt shoes getting literally sucked off my feet. Don't really remember much after that until swimming (with a great deal of pain) to waiting rescue boat. Fellow rafters were v. kind, assisting in holding ice packs on various wounds until could get shipped off to local ER.

Am bruised and beaten up and wicked tired of the Gimpy Shoe, but all in all, pretty lucky. And tired. V. tired. Remainder of weekend was jam packed with vitamin THC, Aleve and s'mores. Ah, the healing.

Posted by This Fish at July 28, 2003 10:00 AM

Fish, I'm sorry to hear that swimming isn't totally your bag. But glad to hear that you're "okay" and able to tell us about it.

Posted by: Paul Gutman at July 28, 2003 10:22 AM

Bummer. Class 5 runs are nasty. Glad you're feeling that much better.

Posted by: Frankenstein at July 28, 2003 11:16 AM

a similar thing happened to me, once, only i walked away with a bruise on my shin. not just the skin, but the actual bone itself. it was both the coolest and the scariest thing that had happened in my life at the time, but it was only a class 4 rapid, so kudos to you!

Posted by: coley at July 28, 2003 11:28 AM

Jesus CHRIST, girl, can you NOT have excitement in your life?!!

Seriously, I am glad you are well; it sounds like quite a scary experience.

On the other hand, you have another amazing story. You can't help but be captivating. It's incredible.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and less drastic (and/or traumatic) stories in the future.

Posted by: Michael at July 28, 2003 12:00 PM

wow, what an adventure! thank god for the rest of the weekend allowing you to properly heal. take care!

Posted by: sassylittlepunkin at July 28, 2003 01:45 PM

Hey, I went whitewater rafting this weekend too. I did the Middle Ocoee in TN. Nothing over class 4. However, in Sept, when the rates are lower, I'm planning on nearly killing myself on the upper Ocoee which includes the Olympic course which has 4 class 6 in a quarter mile. And, when I'm dead, I'd prefer to be cremated so no one gets any guilt for not visiting my grave.

Posted by: Postwood at July 28, 2003 03:29 PM

So has anyone called you Limpy McRapidshooter yet? Hope I'm the first.

Posted by: Texas T-bone at July 28, 2003 03:35 PM

I'm glad you survived! Very Scary! Hope those OTC vitamins kick in soon. =)

Posted by: Lana at July 28, 2003 05:11 PM

sorry to hear of your damaged fin fishie. hopeyou heal quickly.

am also now craving smores with a passion!

Posted by: ssc at July 28, 2003 05:16 PM

sounds like the healing process was worth the pain.

Posted by: hubs at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM

Holy Crap! Well, I thought you guys were nuts before, but now I'm positive. I am very glad that you walked away from your trip in one piece! You have thoroughly convinced me never to go near water ever again :).

Posted by: amalthea78 at July 28, 2003 08:23 PM

Class 5 rapids are scary as hell to go through when you're in the raft, I can't even imagine out of the raft.

Glad you're ok and such a good sport about it all.

Posted by: Drowning Fish at July 28, 2003 08:42 PM

I went white water rafting once. I split my nose open with my underwater camera while we were still in the calm water practicing for the white water. I don't think I need to say more...

Posted by: wahini at July 28, 2003 09:02 PM


People at work were thinking of going rafting later this summer, and I was flat out excited, but now I would say "terrified" is more appropriate.

Posted by: jennn at July 28, 2003 11:23 PM

glad to see you're alive! man, what a story to tell the kids. or just blog about. either way.

it really only takes one horror story to push me over the "i am never going goddamned white water rafting" edge. thank you.

Posted by: julia at July 29, 2003 12:13 AM

Further proof, if proof be need be, that contrary to the lies fed to us by doctors and personal fitness trainers, physical activity is bad for you. Nothing more than a conspiracy to keep the population down.

Glad you're a Fish out of water, petal.

Posted by: Ben at July 29, 2003 11:11 AM

goodness gracious, fishie. I'm so happy you're still alive. I've been down a class five before and can't even imagine what falling out would be like. Scaaary. *thanks the beings above that you're okay*

Posted by: tab at August 5, 2003 12:06 AM