Biscuit does not believing in jinxing. Specifically, he does not believe that if he prods me into gushing about a new relationship, it won’t vanish in a puff of cologne-scented smoke directly following. Me? I’m not so unbelieving. Chalk it up to past not-so good experiences, but over the years I’ve grown decidedly more hesitant to show unbridled enthusiasm before it’s a done deal. You know, like, before he’s signed an affidavit or notarized a love letter. That sort of thing.
New relationships always seem to leave a lot of room for uncomfortable speculation. Is he? Does he? For me, the legal tender of romance has become insecurity. We trade our insecurities like Garbage Pail Kid cards on the playground at recess – giving up some of our favorites (does my ass look big in this skirt?) for more coveted items like, chin burn.
I do like chin burn. And that be brushes his teeth in the shower. And rests his hand on my knee while he drives. And that he teases me until I pout and then kisses it better.
But that’s all you’re getting! Because if I reveal more, the moment he doesn’t immediately return a text message I’m going to have to automatically assume I’ve jinxed it.
And it’ll be all your fault.
I hate myself for my insecurities but I completely relate.
Posted by: akaellen at December 13, 2004 10:52 AMWhat an incredible conundrum to have. :-)
Posted by: Bond Girl at December 13, 2004 10:52 AMhe hasn't notarized a love letter? ditch him now.
Posted by: kate at December 13, 2004 10:55 AMAck, quick, throw some salt over your left shoulder and spit into the wind three times! That should cure any jinxes for the time being. Unless you say the word Jin...damn it, now I need to go find some salt...
Well, here's hoping that conditions remain sunny and favorable for the foreseeable future.
Posted by: petitchou at December 13, 2004 11:14 AMIs it that limo driver? come on tell the truth.
Posted by: some guy at December 13, 2004 11:17 AMWhat a tough place to be in.
Posted by: Rafael at December 13, 2004 11:20 AMah yes. i am also learning the art of reining in unbridled enthusiasm. why must it be so difficult!
Posted by: Faith at December 13, 2004 11:23 AMnotarized love? what a great euphemism for a marriage certificate. i bet we'll be hearing that term come next prez election. you just invented a new phrase!
Posted by: brandon at December 13, 2004 11:35 AMwell, i hope it works out beautifully and being held in suspense isn't so bad after all. :) Enjoy it!!
Posted by: writersbloc gal at December 13, 2004 12:16 PMThat's sweet Fish--someone to stand under the mistletoe with!
Posted by: danna at December 13, 2004 12:24 PMI completely understand this type of jinxing. I've done it to myself a million times, but I think I've finally learned my lesson.
Regardless, enjoy it as long as possible!
Posted by: k at December 13, 2004 12:30 PMif you don't bring your unjinxed chin burn to my christmas party, i will rain down a hellfire of candy canes not seen since the biblical times.
Posted by: k (rissa) at December 13, 2004 01:07 PMI can empathize. I'm in this position of not sharing right now, too, because I don't want to jinx it.
Posted by: dawn at December 13, 2004 01:14 PMMmmm. Chin burn is *le meilleur.*
Posted by: Coquette at December 13, 2004 01:20 PMIt's crazy, but it's true. Don't talk about it and it stands so much more of a chance!
Posted by: Di Gallagher at December 13, 2004 05:33 PMTrading insecurities is how I become good friends with people. Isn't that how we all bond, over our dreams and fears?
And wouldn't an "insecurity trading floor" be a great skit (if it could somehow write itself)?
Posted by: Michael R at December 13, 2004 05:38 PMSounds like Jewish guilt for being happy and in the bubble. Screw the second guessing a enjoy it for gosh sake. STRONG IS SEXY. OWN YOURSELF!! If a woman starts complaining about her looks I am so out of there, If you don't like yourself how do expect us to like you?
But it never hurts to say Rabbit rabbit and spin three times on the 1st day of the month.
Posted by: B at December 13, 2004 08:21 PMWait, number 1: who is jewish? number 2: who was complaining about her looks?
Not me!
Posted by: Fish at December 13, 2004 08:42 PMOh you tease!
Posted by: panajane at December 13, 2004 08:49 PMAw, Fish! Yay!
I mean-- I feel completely neutral for you.
Hey-- didn't you use to be against text messaging?
Posted by: janna at December 13, 2004 09:15 PMif this is the guy i made the the castration comment about then i will keep up the facade. you see, my secret power is that everything i think i know usual turns out to be the opposite. if i say a person is bad, they are usually nominated for a nobel. a movie i don't like? oscar material. who would have known nirvana would be so influencial in the nineties? everone but me.
jinxing myself and predicting outcomes usually affects others in a positive manner. and as far as any of the namby-pambies out there who disagree with the idea that you shouldn't show your insecurities all I have to say is 'm kay. You fall in lust with the perceived perfections. love is finding out all about the little warts and insecurities and still not running off like a mad person. now if any big ones come up, put on the cross trainers and sprint like a mo'fo.
Posted by: joe at December 13, 2004 10:19 PMIf you want to jinx it, give your new beau this url. That will nix it eventually. You're going to have days when you want to write privately about it and you won't be able to if he's reading it.
Posted by: Katherine at December 13, 2004 11:22 PMI love this post, because I can totally relate. But all I can think is, "Garbage Pail Kid, I remember those!!"
Posted by: Carrie at December 14, 2004 03:13 PM