December 10, 2004

everyone looks better wet

“Where are you going?”

He’d hailed a cab for me and held the door open while I gingerly stepped in. My feet were burning from dancing friction.

“Take care of this lady. Make sure she gets home safe,” he told the cabby. “This is my fiancée.”

I laughed as he kissed me on the cheek and winked. “It was nice to meet you. You’re a great girl.”

The place had been packed and everyone I met seemed to be a larger-than-life character. Cheaters, cops, wanna-be actors, ex-girlfriends. I bounced happily between friends and new acquaintances, sipping vodka and cranberry, paying no heed to the hour. It was three o’clock when I finally left the club’s coat check and headed out into the rain. At 3:30, I was text messaging. And at four, ending a good-night phone call and clicking off the bedside lamp.

This morning, I decided to test out Sarah’s theory that everyone looks better wet and I went straight from the shower to work. What with wet hair and all, the umbrella I had in my bag was a moot point, so I left it where it was for my commute. When I got to work and looked in the mirror, I had the startling revelation that Sarah Brown is full of shit. I clearly did not look better wet. Her theory needs a substantial overhaul, or at least the qualifier that one must be well-rested and wet. Whatever. I’m just saying it’s got a lot of holes.

Also, I realized that at one point during my four a.m. phone call, I agreed to go out tonight. That’s cool, as long as “out” means in my living room with take-out and Blockbuster.

Posted by This Fish at December 10, 2004 11:06 AM

Once, back in high school, I was waiting for my friend Jill to get ready. She had just gotten out of the shower, and was putting on her makeup with wet hair. She brushed it, looked into the mirror, and said, "I wish my hair could be permanently wet. It always looks so much better this way than dry." I agreed with her, and it still holds true for me today.

But, ummm. Commuting to work with wet hair in the rain? And not bothering with the umbrella?Yeah, that might not be such a good idea.

Posted by: Alison at December 10, 2004 11:11 AM

Perhaps she was referring to wet in the figurative sense. (Though, admittedely, I don't even know what that means...)

Posted by: brandon at December 10, 2004 11:15 AM

Gah!! I was going to see if you felt pjish and blockbustery... boo hiss!!!!!!

Posted by: Ari at December 10, 2004 11:17 AM

I went straight from the shower to work

Wow, sure hope you remembered to get dressed in the meantime...

Posted by: Steve at December 10, 2004 12:02 PM

the wet hair always worked for me when my hair was really curly...before it dried and the frizz set in. also I seem to remember a seventeen magazine spread on how to get that dewy look with makeup and sparkly lip gloss and eye goo.

Posted by: nancy at December 10, 2004 12:19 PM

Reminds me of how in jr. high, my friends and I thought it was cool to go to the bus stop with wet hair in the middle of winter. By the time the bus came to pick us up, our hair would be stiff, on its way to becoming frozen. That, plus our refusal to wear socks between December and February - a miracle we didn't get pneumonia.

Take-in and Blockbuster doesn't sound too bad.

Posted by: essny at December 10, 2004 12:46 PM

Hey! Someone stole my GAH! No fair. I thought I was the only one who used it.

My question is, if he wanted to make sure you got home safe, why didn't he ride in the cab with you and made sure personally? I'm not implying stayiong the night but just making sure you got to your destination.

Posted by: Rafael at December 10, 2004 01:39 PM

I am positive Sarah meant "wet hair is better" as in wearing a stark white bikini the first week of summer and skin lathered in baby oil, bathing on the sands of Spain. Wet hair is more than acceptable after a dip in the ocean!!

However,you must admit it was liberating? Banning hairproducts and straightening irons for a morning. Talk about brave.

-Island Girl

Posted by: Amanda at December 10, 2004 03:20 PM

I live in Paris, (I start all comments this way, regardless of subject matter) and it's ALWAYS raining. And people are ALWAYS stealing my umbrellas.

P.S. And by "stealing my umbrellas," I definately mean I'm always leaving them behind.

Posted by: Coquette at December 10, 2004 04:15 PM

To tel you the truth, sometimes you gals do look quite good when you're all wet. I'm sure a lot of guys would agree.

Posted by: Rafael at December 10, 2004 04:20 PM

I personally prefer my hair wet as well. Unfortunately as soon as it dries the frizz is uncontrollable and totally irreversible. *Sigh*

Posted by: Carrie at December 10, 2004 04:58 PM

I knew it! Already talking about marriage. tsk, tsk, tsk. Actually my Grinchian sized romantic heart almost cracked at your description of the cab ride goodbye. I don't give a damn what my more bitter self thinks, that's truly romantic. And Fish, as long as you wear the little smile that you have in your photo I think you're probably okay, soggy haired and puffy eyed or not.

Posted by: joe at December 10, 2004 05:08 PM

That's my every day routine, except that I touch my hair with a towel for a minute and always bring my umbrella. And 2004 is like my year of The Hair.

Posted by: Sarah B. at December 11, 2004 12:42 AM

Hi! Popped in from Liz's. Nice site!

Posted by: terry at December 12, 2004 01:01 AM