December 29, 2004

this is your brain on boredom

I’m listening to the Dixie Chicks and doing a crossword puzzle. That’s how busy it is in the office this week.

While I’m certainly not complaining about the absurd amount of downtime afforded by the holiday limbo, it is a bit bizarre and uncomfortable to just sit here. I’m actually looking forward to getting some new deadlines – which is even more bizarre.

The best thing about my lull in responsibility is that I get to sit by and watch as the rest of the office continues running at a sleep-deprived, coffee-fueled, breakneck pace. They’re quite literally running. I just saw a rolling stick file fly by while behind me someone screeched something about a ‘reflected ceiling plan,’ in a tone that suggested architectural plans just may rank up there in critical importance with organ harvesting. Who knew?

The frenzy has yielded some high drama, which I’ve also watched with intrigue and slight confusion. The ten-minute yelling/crying episode went completely unnoticed by the majority of the office, but it had my attention from beginning to snotty-tissued end. It was way more exciting than the paperclip organization task I’d been working on at the time. I say ‘confusion,’ not because the shit-fit wasn’t totally predictable (two women have never hated each other more) but because, for some reason, I thought you had to be an actual grown-up to hold down a full time job. I was wrong. And it was awesome when the two went to their separate corners – both with handfuls of Hershey Kisses from the office pantry.

Sometimes, I think they should lace the water here with tranquilizers. Or Midol. I’m just sayin.

In other news, I finally saw Dodgeball the other night, and now have this shameful, yet undeniable curiosity as to what it would be like if someone started throwing wrenches around here. Probably less funny in real life, but lord, I could use some stimulation.

Posted by This Fish at December 29, 2004 10:12 AM

Bravo, sometimes you have to just enjoy the freak show that masquerades as the working "adult" world.

Posted by: akaellen at December 29, 2004 10:34 AM

At least you don't have to listen to:

"COR-porate accounts payable, Nina speaking. JUST a mo-ment" all day long.

Office Space is the best movie ever.

Posted by: Easterlilies at December 29, 2004 11:39 AM

About peed my pants at Dodgeball!

"You can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

The 5 D's of Dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

"I just threw up in my mouth a little bit."

Posted by: GrumpyBunny at December 29, 2004 11:55 AM

what about those of us who listen to the Dixie Chicks and do crossword puzzles when they actually DO have work deadlines?

somebody throw a wrench at me, please.

Posted by: julia at December 29, 2004 12:29 PM

this is the busiest time of the year for me, and in addition to crosswords and dixie chicks, i blog and read blogs for at least half of my day. someone PLEASE throw a wrench at me.

Posted by: red at December 29, 2004 12:33 PM

I, too, would appreciate being pelted with a wrench upside me bloody head. Please...put me out of my misery. But make it a surprise.

Posted by: Robotnik at December 29, 2004 12:45 PM

Oh, Fish, where did you get the idea that architects are grown-ups? It's true that some of us are, but I don't think that's one of the main criteria for hiring at many firms. I could list the items I've seen flying through the air at work, but that would spoil the novelty for you if you see them someday.

Posted by: Kimberly at December 29, 2004 01:36 PM

I loved Dodgeball. It catered to the inner school yard dork in me.

Posted by: panajane at December 29, 2004 02:23 PM

My brain is on boredom too!
I just wanted to say thanks for the blogging- I've kept up with reading yours ever since your nytimes article (congrats!) within my constant boring days at work - not just post-holidays...
It's broken up some of my on-boredom days.

Posted by: kentuckygirl at December 29, 2004 02:37 PM

I have added you to my "daily briefing" list. Your site is just great. Yesterday I read that Susan Sontag had passed away. For some reason the "fish" quote sprang into my mind. I wasn't sure it was her that made the statement, so today I googled "fish, bicycle" (I hope you felt a tickle). Up came your site. (Further investigation revealed that Ms. Gloria made the fish quote). I read your musings for today and I thought I was the only one who was just utterly bored out of their mind. What would I do w/out the computer? I believe that much of the work force spend their 8 hours surfing the net. Anyway, you write very well and it's funny. Happy New Year . . .


Posted by: james at December 29, 2004 03:00 PM

This might skirt the borders of advice-land (maybe not), but it's a lot of fun - (I've been a little frazzled, and this just seems to take the edge off! Happy New Year!!!

Posted by: lawyerchik1 at December 29, 2004 03:34 PM

Awww...why'd you have to bring up Susan Sontag. She will truly be missed. What a marvelous intellectual. Sad days...

Posted by: Robotnik at December 29, 2004 07:37 PM

Hi Fish, you had me worried back there at Greek Tragedy. I haven't wandered over here since your Times article. Figured I'd never have time to keep up with you *and* Greek. Oh well, what the hell. Here I am. Looking forward to catching up. If you get stuck on the crossword, drop me a line. Love those things. Have a Happy Gnu Year...PT

Posted by: Plantation at December 29, 2004 08:38 PM

Here it's called a 'Shit Fight'. But Shit Fit is good.

Posted by: Di Gallagher at December 30, 2004 05:34 AM

Wonderful morning laughs.. thank you!

My job is just as slow right now, but unfortunately I have nowhere near as interesting distractions!

Posted by: Principessa at December 30, 2004 09:55 AM