fuh-reaking out

This will be my last entry until January 4th.  I accidentally went for the decaf this morning, though, so there’s no promises on it being a coherent entry. You have been warned.

Last night I came home from work and in an unusual burst of post-work enthusiasm, decided to unload the dishwasher. And…there were cockroaches in the dishwasher, okay? I mean, that’s how the story goes. I unlocked and opened it, there were cockroaches inside – multiple cockroaches -  and then I totally fuh-reaked out. When the Boy came in from walking the dog and I was still fuh-reaking out, he very calmly relocked the den of disgusting and muttered something about bugs getting in through the plumbing.

Is that true? Bugs get in through plumbing?

I’m perfectly happy to blame our neighbor across the hall – the one who leaves boxes of used baby diapers in front of her door, the one who, when asked pleasantly to please not leave boxes of used baby diapers in front of her door, went on a very crazy rant about how she went to TWO FUNERALS THAT MONTH and therefore could not be expected to not leave garbage on the doormat – but the Dork Lord is blaming plumbing and unseasonably warm weather. I think he’s just trying to avoid any confrontations with the Dirty Lady’s imposing looking male visitor. But c’mon. He’s not that big.

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