
Last night, I had a dream that I killed someone.

None of the actual violent killing part was in the dream (I can’t watch violence, let alone create it in my imagination) but my sister — played by Miss Ari — just knew I’d done it and told me so. That kid we’d passed in the subway earlier? Yeah, she knew I’d killed him, but that was okay. She wouldn’t tell.

I proceeded to freak out. I raced along the boardwalk (we were no longer in the city) to find the body. I didn’t want to go to jail, so I had to get rid of it. Then my mind wondered if there really was a god and if I was gonna be in deep shit when I died for having killed someone – a CHILD no less. I had no memory of it, but I was certain it was true. I had murdered a child, hacked up his body and hidden him in a tool box.

I woke up in a cold sweat and decided not to read CNN at work anymore.

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