flight patterns

I’ve never really minded flying. Probably because from take-off to touch down, I’m out cold. The plane’s vibrations, the hum of the engine and din of other voices… well, they’re as good as any little blue pill for me. ValiumAir. Right from the moment the plane starts to taxi, my eyes get heavy and I won’t be cognizant of anything else until the captain turns weatherman and it’s seventy-two degrees and partly cloudy and welcome to my destination, it was a pleasure flying with me.

Yawn, stretch, careful when opening overhead compartments.

Once, on a connecting flight from Boston to Chicago, I fell asleep per usual and woke up two hours later on the shoulder of the man next to me. Our internal magnets must have aligned just right, because once asleep, I apparently drifted right for his fatherly shoulder and stayed there. I was mortified. But not only did the gracious stranger not seem at all bothered, he said that he himself had caught a few winks. I was so embarrassed I got the hiccups. And I’ve selected a window seat when possible ever since.

I bring my own pillow, too.

I prefer to fly at night. Not only is it a better use of time (one less vacation day to take) it works quite nicely with my in-flight narcolepsy.

My flight tonight isn’t until sometime after 8 which leaves me another whole workday to wish I was already on vacation. There’s a good book in my purse, some new-to-me music on my iPod and four pairs of flip flops taunting me from my black rolling suitcase and the prospect of some peace, quiet and time with the folks I love calling like a beacon from out West. It’s going to be a good, good week in the country.

Just so you know: When I get back, things are going to be a little different. But don’t fret – change is good (usually) and besides, we knew things couldn’t stay the same forever.

Also: I searched and searched for an MP3 of Glass Tiger’s Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone and sadly, came up empty handed. I’m hoping it’ll get stuck in your head anyway. Grin.

Catch ya on the flipside, my friends.

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