cashing in on karma

I thought it was going to be like all those other times the Dallas weatherfolk forecasted a big, scary snow storm and the pavement never even got wet. They get really hyper about precipitation here. But in the two hours my friend Katy and I sat in the Mexican restaurant, holding a table hostage while we caught up, it actually snowed.  I mean, really snowed. Big, wet soggy flakes that stuck to the ground and the buildings and the cars. From inside the restaurant it looked magical and enchanting, like being inside a snow globe that smelled like corn chips and fajitas. Outside, it was another story.

We made a mad dash to the car (I had only my suit coat), climbed inside and shook the snow from our hair, laughing at how crazy it was. It wasn’t until I’d turned the car on that I realized we were in a bit of a pickle.

“I forgot about that business,” I said to Katy, motioning with my head to the back windshield. It was covered by almost three inches of snow.

“Here, let me go do it,” Katy offered.

The look I gave her should have been enough of a response, but still she persisted.

“You’re in heels!”

“Uh, Katy? You’re pregnant! What kind of person lets a pregnant person scrape her car while she sits inside all warm and cozy? Nuh uh. No way. I don’t need the Karma from that.”

So in my heels, I slid to the back of the car and beat the snow from the windshield with a flimsy, collapsible umbrella I’d bought for too many Euros on the streets in Rome, growing less enchanted with every wet snowflake that landed, whap! against my face. The drive from Katy’s house to my mother’s apartment twenty miles away was even less enchanting. After a few miles crawling down the highway, tapping my breaks on the icy roads, I really started to miss my Mexcian food snow globe.

Remembering the last time I drove in a blinding snow storm, I eased my car behind a semi and followed slowly along in the deep impressions its wide tires left in the slush. Things were slow but steady going until I reached the stop sign a few blocks from my mom’s place.

After waiting for my turn to ease through the four-way stop, I pressed my foot to the accelerator and… nothing. My wheels spun against ice and slush. For a brief second, I thought I was going to be stuck there, listening to the frantic swishing of my windshield wipers forever. Or until I ran out of gas.

“Oh come on!” I yelled, gripping the steering wheel as I watched a line of cars form in my rear-view mirror. “I didn’t make the pregnant lady scrape my car!”

I tried the accelerator again. Tires met asphalt and I crept through the intersection, glad that someone was listening when I cashed in my Karma.

18 comments to cashing in on karma

  • We’ve been getting snow off and on up here in NM too, but it hasn’t stuck… At least in the City. I’m actually going to Dallas on Monday. I was really hoping it would be nice down there.

  • Devon

    That snow storm that started down your way is supposed to dump anywhere between 20 and 50 cm on us this weekend. (8-20 inches) Can I cash out my karma so that work will be closed on Monday?

  • Mel

    and finally after a very long Utah winter we have sun here. I guess Dallas hasn’t been so nice and is getting a little karma payback.

  • Moshizzle

    Girl like you would never get stuck in a snow storm. Some wandering Elliot Stabler or Colin Firth would come to your rescue and then we’d have a delicious blog entry to get us through the weekend snow storm :)

  • Haha, you’re hilarious, Fish! That’s a lot of snow for Dallas, no?

  • Katy

    ohh eeee I made the blog, I am famous! By being mentioned in a blog that was followed by the above comment I like to think I am one step closer to Detective Eliot Stabler…swoon.

  • lol, that would be a site you all cozy in the car, filing your nails while the pregnant girl does the work!

    hooray for you and your good karma.

  • jessi

    “I didn’t make the pregnant lady scrape my car!”

    Ha! Greatest line ever. This made me laugh, which I so needed today. So there’s another karma Get Out Of Jail Free card you can save for another rainy day…or, in your case, a snowy one.

  • I gladly give you the snow in Toronto if you feel you need extra scraping car in heels practice. !! :0)

  • Thanks for reminding me of the reason I moved from Chicago burbs to the tropics! I’m going to Bali in two weeks so I’ll be thinking of you and your snow while I’m sitting on the beach!

  • Yes, snow/sleet/slush for the 1st time this winter in Dallas… TWO TIMES this week. It is weird. Fortunately the goddess left the Irish Festival with nice weather and hit us on Tuesday & Thursday. I have phone photos and digital photos to PROVE it to my Northern bffs.

  • Glad you cashed in and got out. I miss when snow was a rare occurrence. Atlanta snow= fun and no work. Pittsburgh snow= six months of miserable grayness and slush (and they still expect you to go to work). Can you tell I have a little spring fever?

  • Wow – snow in Texas? Am I the only one that’s surprised about that one?

    Your friend Katy sounds like my friend A. Seven months preggo and HUGE, and she’s offering to help me clean my house after I whined about having no ambition to do it. Talk about feeling GUILTY.

  • Ron

    Aren’t you supposed to use a credit card to scrape off your windows? Maybe it’s just a guy thing.

    It looks like dogma didn’t catch your karma this time!


  • I’ll give it to you…that’s the funniest response to being stuck on ice I’ve ever heard. If we get another storm here in Boston, I’m totally trying it :)

  • I love the Mexican snow globe imagery! At least you got out! I live in one.

    this reminds me of the time last week when I walked into some record company office late at night completely lost and this really nice guy mapquested directions for me. It was the nicest thing ever and as I left I told him he had some really good karma coming his way.

    Btw, how do you link to blog entries within the same blog? I have been trying to do this for the past half hour and I am going insane. Thanks!

  • WOW…Snow storm! I have met the problem too in CA…But for me,I like the snow! So beautiful! I hope someone can go with me to share the wonderful moment on winter.I am andrew who is like for fun on internet. If you have the same hobby, find me on one good club I am here waiting for you!…

  • great story as usual Fish…and just for the record Ron – not all men use a credit card to scrape a windshield, the really entitled just sit in the car and wait for the woman to do it…first, last, and only