now i know why rooster turns to the whiskey

One of the things I’m digging about being out on my own again is access to web nerdery like site statistics. Mostly, it’s the map that gets me all wiggly. Like this morning I got up, looked at my traffic report and oooh, hello Norway! And Singapore! And Australia! I mean, there are countries highlighted on my map o’ visitors that I’m likely never to actually see, but I’m there! Albeit, in a way less well-traveled out-of-body kind of way, but there! See also: easily amused.

About those archives: a couple of you have inquired as to why the drop-down box on the right (see? over there by the ads? hee!) only has the last two months of entries in it. Like I said yesterday, we’re not quite there. This  is probably way more of an explanation than you want/need, but here goes:  iVillage exported my posts and comments from Drupal to a very large XML file  – which, to my total frustration, WordPress does not seem to have a plug-in to import. My friend, Brooke (boy genius behind, is going to try to write me a script to do it.  I type that with crossed fingers.

Speaking of – if you live in New York anywhere in the US, it turns out, and need part time work – is a nifty, newfangled site that acts as a matchmaker for employers with part-time gigs and folks who need ‘em.  There’s your public service announcement for the day!

Oh, bummer, you guys. I think I’ve given myself a migraine.  Yeah, yeah,I know that my triggers are stress and alcohol (the combination of the two, while not a given, is often the culprit) but I guess what I need to work on is figuring out when I’m under actual, for really real stress.  The  relaunching the blog has been a lot of fun, but I guess I didn’t realize how much stress it came with because I had a glass of celebratory blog launch wine and lo, the unmistakable pain behind my left eye is telling me that I’ve pushed it too far. I’m typing this with my left eye closed now and it’s surprisingly difficult. Unsettling. On the plus side, it gives me new appreciation for Rooster Cogburn (if you don’t know who he is, that’s your homework assignment), were he, you know, to ever have to type anything.

Okay, I go. To medicate and  sleep it off. And not puke.  Hopefully not puke. In the meantime, please help yourself to the Features. And thank you all again for such a wonderfully successful launch! You’re the bees knees.

10 comments to now i know why rooster turns to the whiskey

  • So, so, so happy. To see you on your own again. Blogwise, that is! ;)

  • Steph

    Wordpress has a built in importer. It worked for me? :)

    • thisfish

      None of them are right for the format that I have. Unfortunately. I have xml, but it’s not in the same data structure or somesuch.

  • Welcome home, Fishy!

  • I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains. Just in my lungs.

  • craig

    If your friend can’t figure out how to get your archived stuff imported, I’ll volunteer to take a crack at it.

  • Congrats on the new site & thanks for the plug! I was wondering where all of the traffic was coming from. We’re actually supporting the site nationally now so everyone (not just we New Yorkers) are welcome. The job feeds are currently working for FL, NY, NJ, CT, MA & CA today and the rest of the country should be in there early next week.

    Feel free to take a look around & I’ll get working on that archive importer as soon as I finish up a couple of things here.

    Thanks again & congrats!

  • Dawn

    Love that you are free (as in ‘free to move about the cabin/ friendly skies’ unrestrained)

    BTW – try sulfate-free wine…might be less migraine-inducing.

    Congrats on many accounts!

  • V

    I’m the reader from Singapore! Been lurking for a while, but had to comment since you’ve called me out :) Good luck with the new website – hope you have a very bees-kneesful year.