Last night, I slept with the covers pulled up high around my chin like I did when I was a kid, my head buried in my feather pillows. I left my downy sanctuary only twice – both times to collect a very reluctant Sir Halitosis and drag him back to bed with me. My little mewling security blanket. Say what you will, but the lightning storm that rocked my apartment with sound fury sometime around midnight scared the bejeezus out of me.
Incidentally, when I was a kid, we weren’t allowed to say bejeezus. It sounded too much like Jesus (Oh, the blasphemy!) – who is exactly the one I’m blaming for this current bout of horribly depressing weather. Karma is in charge of my personal relationships, the Universe, my moods and the Baby Jesus is responsible for all things weather-related. I haven’t as yet assigned Buddha a sector, but mostly because he just makes me giggle.
I’m so going to hell. That’s fine, though. I’ve reserved a party room.
Wait a minute… I was scheduled to arrive first, I thought the room was set, but if yours is bigger we can certainly while away eternity there! lol
Believe me, we’ll be in stellar company.
Well if you have nothing nice to say, come sit by me. We can have red devil cocktails.
See… further evidence our gathering will surely expand until all the fun kids are in.
Fish, all of your regular readers know that you are the devil’s daughter and that you will burn for millions of years for your horrid sins. Like having pad thai for breakfast that time.
But I can’t worry about that now. My basement started flooding at 10 p.m. (the storm got to D.C. first) and I had to dig two drainage ditches in my lawn to redirect the water from the foundation. In the driving rain. In the dark. In the lightning. In the mud. Two cats sleeping. Inside. And dry.
You know I’ve always love, Love, LOVED rainy days, but last night, come to think of it, I did go to sleep with the covers pulled up over my head convinced that bad guys were going to come in through the window near the fire escape.
Hell I have a luxury suite booked in Hell…it over looks the fire pits and is next to the Cher Museum of Bad Oscar Night Outfits
I love lightning. JHB is know for its storms and remember watching them with absolute fascination as a kid.
Pull up a chair lass, what’s yer poison??
Not to be picky, but you do know that fat guy is not actually Buddha, right?!?
Hey, I am alone and drunk off some old wine from the fridge – plus I’ve been a huge bitch/brat at work lately.
For those reasons (not to mention plenty more), I will have a certain future in hell. I am totally screwed. In so many ways.
The weird thing?
I got freaked by that thunder as well. Not only because it made Krissa leap halfway across the room yelling “Shiiiiiiiiit!”, but also because I was on the phone to her at the time, and had no idea what had just happened.
Ari, I thought Jews didn’t believe in Hell – what’s up with that? Are you horning in on our lake of fire?