good old today

Sometimes, being content is better than being thrilled. Which is not to say I mind a nice thrill every now and again, but contentment seems to last longer and produce better results.

Excitement is good for flushed cheeks and weight loss and writing. But, as the Universe seeks balance, with every up there comes a most certain down. Downs are not entirely a waste of time – they are good for cathartic cries and introspection and of course, writing.

Then there’s Even Keel. It’s a bit of a plateau. It’s neither Cloud Nine nor the Valley of the Shadow of Death, but all the same, it’s not a completely unremarkable place to be.

At Even Keel, a girl can listen to all the Carpenters CDs she wants and still remain relatively unaffected by melancholy. She can go shoe shopping and make level-headed decisions. There, she’ll find really no need for chocolate binges or crash diets. At Even Keel, a girl can stand naked in front of her full length mirror and say, ‘it is what it is’ — Love Handle of Shame, included. There are as many things to appreciate as there are to complain about there and when asked, she may quite truthfully answer, “I’m fine. How are you?”

Life at Even Keel is content, if not, admittedly, a little vanilla.

I’ve spent a bit of time in Even Keel, and I like it there. I have also always liked vanilla. I don’t find it boring. Maybe because I know that inevitably, the steadiness is going to be punctuated by ups and downs, and it’s all just a part of being. Still, I do get antsy when I see days and days of truly uninspired entries here and I start to wish that Even Keel had a muse of its own. I realize it does, it’s just not heartache and therefore, not the kind of muse I’m used to having visit me.

Yesterday, after we’d spent the day doing absolutely nothing noteworthy, Sarah laughed and said, “Good old today!”

“You just got yourself a blog title,” I said, at the time mostly joking.

But on pain of sounding ridiculously sappy, Sarah got it right on. Good old today. Drama-free and tickled pink to be so, I’m going to settle in for as long as I can.

And if I need excitement, I can always put on my fishnets.

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