The other night, I took a break from hacking at my keyboard to Skype with my two-year-old nephew. Mostly, we made faces at each other and blew kisses and talked about which animal says what. A bat, by the way, says “flap, flap.” Naturally. Better yet, a bunny says, “rabbit.”
Like I said, he’s two. He’ll get there.
“Ask him what a cowboy says,” my sister prodded as she wrastled my six-month-old niece into her bath towel.
“Okay! Owen? What does a cowboy say?”
“Yee haw!”
I clapped. He clapped, too – proud of his aging auntie for totally getting it that everything he does is brilliant and delightful.
“What does a pirate say?” I asked, again following my sister’s lead.
You have no idea how entertaining that was for me – almost as good as the time we programmed – er, asked - him to repeat lines from Goonies. “Sloth love Chunk!” Priceless.
“Try robot now,” she said. “It’s hilarious.”
I did. In response, Owen was quiet. I tried again.
“Owen, what does the robot say?”
His answer was quiet at first, a little uncertain. I missed it completely. After some motherly encouragement, he piped up in a perfectly robotic soprano,
“Kill the humans.”
Oh, man. If this is how it’s going to be, I can’t wait for motherhood. I’m going to be so evil good at it.
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