hiccup tuesday and the gratuitous baby photos


Today has been one of those magical days where if something can go wrong, it has. Not like, life ending things – I made it to work in one piece and I’ve not peed on myself or anything – but Tuesday has been one giant hiccup. My favorite part was getting to the office at 6:45AM to prep for a Really Big Meeting… that got canceled. Oh, ha ha, Universe. You silly. It’s gonna be even sillier when I doze off in traffic on the way home.

Tomorrow morning I’m off for a conference in Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons and epicenter of babies, including my three week old niece, Abby Someone. I’m really effing excited to meet her. My sister keeps sending me taunting photographs of Her Preciousness with captions that probably amuse me way more than they should but hey, I am a sucker for this kid.

“Heather is coming and she’s not bringing you any presents!”

Not listening

“I’m not liiiisteniinngg!”

“And she thinks your hair is dumb.”



She’s a very expressive sleeper, Abby. Also, I know, I know. It’s sorta weak, making a blog post out of baby photos, but what can I say? I’m weak.

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