six ways to help in haiti

Like the rest of you, I’m heartsick over what’s happening in Haiti. The media images are too much. If you can help, Chris Sacca has a list of ways to do it (via Dooce).

Six ways you can help in Haiti

4 comments to six ways to help in haiti

  • imfb

    Thank you for posting this. I was on a humanitarian deployment to Haiti this summer. The living conditions then, before the earthquake, were shocking. The amount of need there for things we look at as basic necessities is shocking, and to add such a horrible disaster on top of this is unimaginable. Thank you.

  • Fionna

    I have never been but I have friends that lived and worked there for several years, and they are currently on the list of those worrying about friends and loved ones. Two organizations they said were reputable places to make donations to were the Red Cross (which, in Haiti, is run by an acquaintance of theirs) and an organization called HELP

    Again, both are reputable organizations if anyone is able and chooses to support them.

  • Want a chance to donate $2,000 to a Haiti cause like doctors without boundaries or more? Here’s a GlobalGiving gift voucher up for auction for a $1,500 buy it now price on ebay. Search for GlobalGiving $2,000 Charity Gift Voucher Haiti, $ back. If you use your bing cashback account (Free at Microsoft’s Bing search engine) you can get another $120 off so you pay $1,380 and get a $2,000 gift voucher mailed and e-mailed to you. The shippins is free. Also check out my haiti informational site focusing on the current Quake and it’s aftermaths. There’s also a ton of media and donation links from trusted groups like GlobalGiving and the red cross there. Check out the urlhat’s attached to this post (HaitiTragedy dot info). I love your blog and keep on spreading the word about the Haiti Tragedy to help save lives.