belay on! mostly

Remember how I was going to try new things this year?

On Saturday afternoon, Boot Camp Friend Amanda, the Dork Lord and I went rock climbing at a nearby indoor gym. I’m relatively fit (for me) at the moment and so I anticipated that the climbing would be challenging, but not entirely debilitating. I mean, I do man push-ups now. I do. Three or four whole man push-ups IN A ROW. Yes, siree. So, up the fabricated climbing surfaces we went, zipping down on ropes, and after an hour, worn out, we called it a day. And like I said, I expected a little strain here and there, but nothing too intense. And I was right. All my climbing muscles are tight, but otherwise fine. But the forearm muscle – the one responsible for holding up my loved ones while I was on belay, the one that also helps me do things like, I dunno, hold a pen – is broken.

Being two forearms short of a whole person made our Valentine’s Day activities a little complicated. An no, I don’t mean that. I mean, while the Boy weatherstripped the windows (if you don’t think that’s romantic, you are not a cold person living in a drafty apartment. Weatherstripping is love) I fixed a nice dinner. While the wine took some deep cleansing breaths on the kitchen counter and the filet was happily searing, I tossed some greens with mandarin oranges and dried cranberries and went to grate some cheese. Guess which muscle you use to hold a block of Parmesan cheese and run it over what amounts to dull, metal blades. Guess. Oh, yeah. The Belay Muscle. I totally cheese gratered my own thumb and ended up eating dinner with a paper towel wrapped tightly around to stop the bleeding. Ah, a picture perfect Valentine’s meal. At least I was warm

Getting old is so lame. You heard it here first.

10 comments to belay on! mostly

  • Jen

    At least you were left out of commission by doing something adventurous and cool. I was left without the capacity of lifting my arms for almost 5 days straight from a yoga class. Yoga! Those darn chatarangas!

  • Anonymous

    Oh, yes. Chararanga can be so cruel. I hated them and then I did some Jillian Michaels and all of a sudden, chataranga didn’t seem so bad after all. Bring them on! Just no more v-raises.

  • Jessica

    Where did you guys go? I’ve been wanting to try rock climbing for a while now! My upper body strength isn’t what it used to be though – am I going to make a fool of myself?

  • Anonymous

    Dallas Rocks on Forest Lane (between Greenville & Abrams)

  • CrimperGirl

    Good for you! Don’t worry, no matter how in shape you are, or how old you are, climing makes you sore in weird places. And the only way not to get sore is to climb regularly – once or twice a week – and build up forearm and tendon strength gradually. You’ll get popeye forearms (not so bad) and a ripped back and shoulders (excellent).

  • Calgaryjetgirl

    Did the exact same thing the first time I tried to waterski. I think I was 12. I couldn’t straighten my arms out for the entire weekend and I think I cried…a lot. Happy belated Valentines Day. Your Dork Lord sounds like an amazing fellow…house maintenance and a man capable of same is definitely love.

  • SouthernClimber

    That’s awesome that you gave climbing a chance! I’ve been climbing for a year now and it has totally changed my life. Not only am I pretty ripped (you’re right CrimperGirl – the effect on the back and shoulders is certainly a bonus) but it’s such a huge confidence builder. Each time you get to the top of the wall you realize just how much you’re really capable of. Plus I can do for real unassisted pull-ups now – and watching a bunch of guys gawk over how strong you are never gets old!

  • Kat

    FYI- I work at an outdoors store in MA, and we sell Power putty that helps you work those muscles. There is also something called a Dynaball that helps too. Keep at it! I am jealous.

  • Mmm…but the dinner does sound absolutely amazing.

    And love does make you do nutty stuff. DH wants to train for a half marathon. I’m more of a 5k-er myself, but we’re training for a half marathon. Ick. My bum is sore.

  • I am no longer allowed to use a cheese grater. Doh.