We’ve been told that if Charlie will drink cow’s milk when he turns a year old (in FIVE WEEKS OMG), that will hasten the removal of his G Button. It doesn’t have to be cow’s milk, but it certainly makes life easier if he will drink it and eat other dairy products. Kid already loves his yogurt and cheese, so I decided to do an early experiment. Keep in mind that Charlie has not accepted any liquid by mouth, with the exception of water, since he was a couple months old. No juice, Pedialyte, breast milk, formula, whiskey. NOTHING.
Mama has reason to hope he will be off his tube before the summer.
That is awesome news! And he is so cute! Did the doctors predict he’d sort of grow out of the feeding issue – he looks completely typical (other than atypically adorable) having his bottle!
That made me tear up! So glad things are looking up for the 3 of you! Go Charlie!
Go Charlie go!!!
Today my heart sings!
Charlie, your future is bright!
Now THAT is one cute baby!
I never ever comment on any blog ever but that was so amazing to watch!!!! So happy for you!!!!!
What a little cutie! My daughter, who was and still is, a crazy picky eater, began refusing liquids out of her bottle around 10 months. We started giving her cow’s milk in a sippy cup and it helped tremendously. Good luck-her eating issues were one of the biggest stressors of my life to date.
Yaaaaaay look at him go!
Wow that is so awesome!! {and please. why is he so cute?! make it stop. or don’t.. please don’t!}
Well, duh! Whiskey?? Babies hate whiskey. They’re vodka drinkers. And not the cheap stuff, either. (And, SQUEEE!!!)
Aw, this is such good news
Happy for you and the family!
You have an awesome voice.
For some reason I got a message that said “Playback of video failed.”
Thanks for sharing the great news, and I hope all works out well.
Just looking ahead — we found that while sippy cups were convenient, they also interfered with our older son’s speech development. Switching to a straw cup was better for him. YMMV, of course. With our older son, switching to a straw was fine for drinking, but then her refused to drink milk! Oy . . .
BTW, your son is very cute. Of course, you can say that good looks run in the family, right? Go ahead, just say it! LOL
Again, best wishes for continued happiness and health.
Oh my goodness that’s so exciting!!!
I have no words for how happy I am for you. Thank you for sharing this. Got yourself a heartbreakingly cute boy there… My heart goes out to you. Here’s hoping for much, much, better times!
How is this possible?! I’m so beyond thrilled for you. I bet you didn’t think you’d be here 6 months ago. I guess these kids just know what they want (and don’t want!)
The *eyebrows*. Oh my god. Good stuff, Heather.
What a joyful, life affirming thing to watch!
I’m happy for y’all.
Go, little man! I’m thrilled with his progress and his happy little face.
As K said above: “The *eyebrows* Oh my god.” I felt my eyebrows going up and down with his. He’s perfectly adorable in every way.
You brought a huge smile to my face that matches our sunny Idaho day. <3
Congratulations! That is awesome!
I hope all is well with you all! <3