the people who sleep with men

It couldn’t rightly be called Girl’s Night out, what with Biscuit being on the invite list and all. And so it was that The People Who Sleep with Men took Brooklyn by storm (and stiletto) last night. We started off at Buttermilk where we got glittered and added The Kate’s number to our cell phones. Then the seven of us tottered off to catch the Smith Family show at the Royale bar.

In the red glow of Royale’s harem-like setting, we quickly shifted into Rockabilly mode. We slapped our knees, tapped our feet, yee-hawed and took pictures. Lots of pictures. And that’s when Biscuit and I got engaged. If it somehow ends up that photographing well together does not amount to a good reason to get married, we’ll call it off. But until then, we remain giddy over the prospect of seeing our announcement in the New York Times.

I suppose I would learn my lesson about staying out until 3AM on a school night if it didn’t always turn out to be so darn fun.

5 comments to the people who sleep with men

  • hey, what are those pictures of fun and beautiful people doing in that PBR shrine?

  • Now why don’t we have places like that in MT? I tell ya!

  • k

    I’m not allowed to make fun of wagner because of PBR. i already got in buttloads of trouble for my sunglasses discrepancy.



  • Been there, done that … :-)

  • Michael R

    Bisquit looks vaguely like Carson Daly in the picture. (That’s not intended as in insult, just an observation.)

    Also, I thought the link (“brooklam”) was a combination of “Brooklyn” and “bedlam” which is what I figure it is when you’re out on the town.

    In a good way.