disaster relief

Intern Amy is safe and dry. She and her family were more fortunate than many to have escaped any real harm. But like many others, they will not even be able to return to their homes (or what is left of them) for weeks.

Please go here to see how you can help those affected by Katrina.

(Thanks, Tanya, for the link)

10 comments to disaster relief

  • I am so glad to see that other people are concerned and trying to help with the poor victims of Katrina.

  • they’re saying that people can’t come back to the worst areas for four to six weeks, possibly longer. schools won’t start back up until december. jobs are lost, homes destroyed, people dead and dying. it’s like nothing i’ve ever seen in person. thank you sincerely (and deeply) for posting that link. i just rode past some refugees here in my new city, and they looked sad. :(

  • This is all so scary and almost unreal at the same time. I have been thinking of all these people, but I cannot watch the news… If I do, I’ll sit in front of the TV for three days crying. The news and I have a love/hate relationship…

    (By the way, I found you through some blog pals of mine that were raving about your site over dinner last night…)

  • I don’t even know what to say.

  • Denise

    I evacuated from NOLA on Sunday morning at 3am with my dog and two cats.

    My boyfriend is still there working (he’s an ER resident at a local hospital).

    From what I can see it will be more like months before we’re able to return.

  • rg

    glad Amy’s ok. my friend’s family is, too.

    thanks for helping people to help people!

  • How wonderful of you to use your blog for the benifit of others . . My heart goes out to you and them.

  • Susan

    Hi Fish and readers, I’m posting from Baton Rouge, where we have just got internet access back at the apt I’m bunking at since my power’s totally out. It is nice to return to a tiny bit of normalcy reading your blog even as the news is dreadful and so many of us are homeless, saddened, and shocked. Keep doing what you do. It’s helping.

  • Glad Amy’s okay…

  • I’m surprised that my usual favorite blogs are still so self-absorbed and make no mention of this horrible tragedy. Thank You This Fish!! It only takes a moment to donate $ and show you care.

    Susan – Our prayers are with you!! :)