in other words…

I’ve been a busy girl!

When a blog post I was working on got way, way too long, I decided I had to ditch it (trimming was not an option) or find another forum. So I pitched it to iVillage and they scooped it right up.

Saying Good-Bye to Ephedra: It’s just another few hundred words of how getting fat makes me want to cry.

And later, when I got an invite from a “speed-dating” company to try out the scene, I gave it a whirl… dragging Ari/Annie along for moral support.

“I Tried it!” Speed Dating: It’s like the real thing, but without the awkward, one-armed hug at the end of the night.

22 comments to in other words…

  • Two great articles, I enjoyed them both. Thanks so much. You might want to check out–its this awesome website/food diary, where you enter your food & exercise, and it tells you how many calories you’ve eaten, how many calories you’ve earned through exercise, and projects your weight loss in 1 month and in 3 months, based on how you are doing. The best part is that you can figure out how far you need to walk to earn a glass of wine, how many stairs you have to climb to earn an ice-cream, etc. I have 50lbs to lose, have been doing this for 2 weeks, and its totally cool!

  • Tara

    Nice work! Getting fat pisses me off so I feel ya.

    And speed dating, well, yay. I didn’t like it but I suppose I’d try it again.

  • Chickadee

    Heather, I’ve never posted a comment to your blog before, although I do read it quite religiously– I love your article about speed dating, it’s a riot. And on an EVEN FUNNIER note, I ended up dating a man I met at a hurry date event and, get a load of this one– we’re getting married in September. We’ll both confess, however, that we remember nothing about our first encounter exceopt that we clearly didn’t find the other offensive. So, indeed, you never know. Sometimes you just have to belly up to the bar, order a strong drink, and see what life has in store.

  • I’ve always been leary of the speed dating game. I guess I may have to try it because the traditional way just isn’t working out either. I guess it’s worth a try, if anything maybe a good laugh.

  • Me again….

    I just read your article about Ephedra. It was really good and so true. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and unfortunately I am fat, not just over weight. I have tried every gimmick there is to try and sure somethings help take the weight off but nothing makes me feel as good as good ol’ healthy eating and exercise. I have been doing it for a couple of months now and have lost 20 lbs and I feel so great. I went out with friends and decided to treat myself a little bit but I found that my body dosn’t like that stuff anymore.

    It’s really sad but a true reality that thinness=perfection, no matter what the cost.

  • Good lunch at brunch!

  • This Fish

    hee! I am pretty sure you mean “luck” so, thank you! :)

  • those were both great articles, the speed dating reminds me how I met my husband on the internet – that was before was Dr.Phill’d to death. and the dieting, i just started bike riding with my kid, she likes it and I can get some excercise in. Gotta love it, i’ll never get to a single digit dress size, i’m not built for that but if I can get to a tweleve ‘lll be happy, any who- the funny thing about both of htose articles for me is – my average blog entry isn’t much shorter than either of those… maybe its time to trim down a bit.

  • Becky

    hey – random site comment here – I tried adding your RSS feed (live Bookmark) into Firefox and it adds the Smitten blog instead. Independently, I added the Smitten blog and her live Bookmark feature works so something is wrong in iVillage blog land. Just thought I’d let you know.


  • My heart races as it is sometimes, I would be scared to death to take something that causes it. I liked that article though…did you end up selling the pills?

  • This Fish

    Oh god, no! I threw them away.

  • Yes, I totally meant ‘luck’. Sorry. HA!

  • Manipuladar

    I had your morning in front of the mirror, Fish.

    “And then what?”, I hear no-one at all ask.

    And then I lost 54 lbs.

    Eating less does indeed require restraint, but it’s not a question of eating *less*, so who needs restraint?

    Also, exercise is a great way of expanding your calorie budget and of NOT DYING YOUNG, but it’s not absolutely necessary for losing weight.

    I can’t restrict myself to eating less for longer than maybe a week or two. Just won’t happen. And exercise? Pff.

    My trick, which you can obviously take or leave, is to cook tasty, yet healthy.

    I eat as much as I want, as often as I want (basically, whenever my body says “Hmmm. . . “), but I make sure I *always* have a ton of healthy and – key point here – delicious – snacks avaiable at work, and I cook tasty, lowish-cal food for myself almost every night.

    And when I want some cheese or beer? I

    just have some – even a lot, if I want – and don’t care.

    Result? Satisfied and slim.

    Sorry if this sounds smug, it’s not meant to.

  • Manipuladar

    Short version:

    Never been able to deny my taste buds.

    So I make sure they get plenty of “tasty”, and as a result, they seldom crave the “fat” (and when they do, I always give in, so they never feel deprived).

    If that’s of any use/interest.

  • gina

    Hi Heather -

    Just read you column about Ephedra. There is an FDA approved diet drug coming to the over-the-counter market next year. It’s called Alli and it is the OTC version of Ephedra. You may want to try; it’ not bad for you like Ephedra. It blocks fat absorption but you have to eat a healthy diet with it our you will have some stomach issues (not bad or permanent).

  • Marjie

    I read your article at ivillage. So funny, so sad, and so true!

    You are a great writer.

  • Morgan

    A few weeks ago I stumbled upon your blog and because I like to know the whole story I started with the archives. I became addicted to your site the way I am to Sex and the City, and that’s a huge addiction. I couldn’t get enough of it and having an ‘satc’ distraction at work has been extremely tempting.

    I absolutely love your blog, I relate to your man and life troubles (especially the J days).

    So, thank you for being so open, especially in the earlier days and I only wish you were as anonymous as you were when the site started so that you wouldnot have to hold anything back.

    So, I guess thanks and although I am sure people tell you all the time, this blog is fantastic and I have never been to read a blog (the whole movement just skipped past me).

  • JO

    I hear you…the arthritis medicine that has kept me pain free and ease of movement has just been discontinued and the generic doesn’t work….as far as weight I found “Fat Trappers” to be effective

  • Sue

    You’re a great writer, Fish. It’s fantastic that you’re “main stream”.

  • CJ

    Did you ever notice how many perpetual browsers there are out there in the shopping/online dating world? They seem more interested in the search than in the findings!

    Boggles my hopeful romantic mind! Yet we press on, right?

  • Anna


    Having been slim my entire life, I was distraught when at 28 I noticed that I was losing my battle with the scale. At 34 I have now accepted that our metabolism changes, our bodies change…and that’s okay. We are not supposed to look at 30 like we did at 20. I stopped shopping in the juniors department a couple of years ago and found that if I buy real women sizes that I’m actually smaller! woo hoo! Apparently even the larger junior sizes are not designed for anyone with hips or a little bit of “back”. You know you are beautiful, and smart, and clever, and witty, and entertaining, and funny, and so many other things…you don’t need to be a size 4; everyone loves you anyway! Donate all those clothes that make you lay down on the couch and cry. Or burn them. Ha!

  • Michael

    Liked both your articles; the speed-dating one made me smile. Thanks.